Little Spekboom... then and now.

I plan to let it run a bit this winter.
Its still recovering from repotting.
Looks good and i can see where it's only going to get better.

I really need to get around to posting up my Hawaiian Umbrella tree. It was my first tree and lets just say it went though some noob mistakes like a champ.
Nice progression thread. I like the bark and what you've done with the branches.
I second AZbonsai on the wiring. Pretty clever, especially the eye guides on the side.
Where did you learn this method? >>>
View attachment 263613
Nice progression thread. I like the bark and what you've done with the branches.
I second AZbonsai on the wiring. Pretty clever, especially the eye guides on the side.
Where did you learn this method? >>>
View attachment 263614
I honestly don't recall where or when I had the idea for wrapping the guy wires like that. Lol!
Looks good and i can see where it's only going to get better.

I really need to get around to posting up my Hawaiian Umbrella tree. It was my first tree and lets just say it went though some noob mistakes like a champ.
This is the only tree I have from my first year of attempting bonsai, 2015.
It's been fun transforming it!
I was looking at these 2 this morning and realized that the tiny guy has bee in its tiny pot almost 1.5 years now and the bigger one in the beautiful periwinkle @sorce pot didn't waste any time stretching its legs, already pushing roots out of the drainage hole! Only been 2 months!
Hell Yeah 😎
I neglected to take Before Pics...but it was getting shaggy, even more than the last post shows.
I was wanting to let it grow out, but I was getting concerned with inner growth getting shaded out.
It did stretch out still....some shoots had a ten pairs of leaves and side branches starting.

Here are the After Pics....I actually did this several days ago.
Thinned and wired a bit.
Now that the camopy is thinned, thw light is reaching those 2 low shoots at the base, and they're gaining strength already.
A bucket of mistakes in which everything went right!😉

May I inquire as to the interpretation? I see the Sorce, but had to know that's what I was looking for
having different cased letters SorcE but the T what's it? , the flowers connected and the "grass spray".
Very intriguing. I know there's more than I see and would like to see your thoughts the way you intended
to display them. :cool:

Oh, and I'm surprised @sorce that you don't include a Lunar attribution in your pieces.
If you ever get around to making any pots for me, that would be cool, or if the etch notated
a particular line of Sorce pots.
Just to kick start an idea

Ever wonder what lunar phase you and any significant other, sibling or parent was born under?
Click an item and enter the birthday (pretty cool on the dual crystals) then click then crescent moon
and the lunar phase for the day month and year will display to put in the crystal.
I could see @sorce etching a moon with craters and doing that in a small glazed area if that's even possible
on an otherwise unglazed bottom. Like a kings hot wax stamp but glazed or not, either would be cool.
Screen Shot 2019-11-02 at 8.57.40 PM.png
then you can see two on this one in the video. Pretty cool stuff
May I inquire as to the interpretation?

The design was going to be an album cover.

These are the original sketches.

This shows where the drop (grass) came from.20191102_224655.jpg

This shows what spells Sorce in red on the pots.20191102_224704.jpg
The black T E and sideways i mean something, but I forget what!
Some pots have the i.
Most don't.

The flowers are random.

The moons are mostly on the Rain and Wane series, but I think I have random moons too.

The design was going to be an album cover.
This shows what spells Sorce in red on the pots.
That’s pretty cool history thanks for sharing.
I didn’t get the small case e, thought was an a.

The black T E and sideways i mean something, but I forget what!

Sucks getting old man, so I don’t feel bad inquiring about a “translation”
nor reminding you about commissioning me a top hat pot :D:D
I like the new pot...
with the amount of cuttings you've had I'm surprised you haven't started a Forest planting... Any particular reason why not?
I like the new pot...
with the amount of cuttings you've had I'm surprised you haven't started a Forest planting... Any particular reason why not?
Over time I've given all but one away....until the other day, I started a bunch more.
We'll see about a forest one day.
Growing well under the lights in the basement....constant 60 degrees F.
I removed the shoots at the base a week ago, started a few cuttings...but they were getting too thick for my liking, I want to keep the scars small.
Still got the inverse/reverse taper issue just above the base.....I may try to put it on a tile next repotting, and place it in a larger container to let the roots run and flare out a bit more.
Ebihara method on this plant is not so easy because I can't anchor it with a screw like my crape myrtle, because its not real wood.....I'll have to wire it to the tile or figure out something else.
And the little guy is doing well in the "big pot".
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