LED bulbs for growlights

Thanks dave. I'm going to give it a shot and see how it does over my black pines cuttings.
Another thought about these, are they harmful to be around? The T5 Ho Fluorescent types? Or is it only if they break do you have to worry? I rmember reading somewhere about the curly fluorescent bulbs being bad news with radiation or something along those lines...
Another thought about these, are they harmful to be around? The T5 Ho Fluorescent types? Or is it only if they break do you have to worry? I rmember reading somewhere about the curly fluorescent bulbs being bad news with radiation or something along those lines...

I mean they give off UV rays, like tanning beds. Stay under one long enough and you'll turn a dark orange color.
I mean they give off UV rays, like tanning beds. Stay under one long enough and you'll turn a dark orange color.

Thanks Ryan. I just wasn't sure if there was any dangers. It's not like i'm standing under them, but wondered if being near them posed any dangers or the strength of the lights was bad for eyes etc...I guess as long as one isn't constantly near/under them, they don't pose a real threat.
Thanks Ryan. I just wasn't sure if there was any dangers. It's not like i'm standing under them, but wondered if being near them posed any dangers or the strength of the lights was bad for eyes etc...I guess as long as one isn't constantly near/under them, they don't pose a real threat.

Reality - I doubt you, I, or anyone we know will make a light system equal to a tanning bed...

Safety - Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) as well as Fluorescent Light Bulbs contain Mercury. Our HD store has a drop box for proper safe disposal. I never have broken either but exposure to much larger amounts of Mercury could be dangerous.

I might add using bulbs of either type in a wet or humid location can create corrosion and make it so difficult to remove them you muse break them. Always coat the contact areas with plain old Vaseline to eliminate that problem. I use all CFL in the house inside and outside and every bulb gets the threads coated at installation.

Life - Find out to "useful" life of the bulb. What I mean here is they may light for 10 years but only offer two or three indoor Winter seasons of FULL SPECTRUM. I calculated out ours in our "plant" room and running them 16 hours a day from Fall until plants go out in Spring they offer slightly more then 2 years of full spectrum so I replace all at thae end of two Winters.

I find this place has good prices and offers all of the important information needed for CFLs to be of use - http://www.fullspectrumsolutions.com/compact_fluorescent_32_ctg.htm?gclid=CNDGp6XUv8gCFUiQHwodJ_UMqw

It all sounds a bit complex but honest it is not! It is far less difficult then typing all of this :rolleyes:

This thread was definitely worth the read. I feel like by and large the easiest thing you can do for a lighting setup is get some of those ten dollar fixtures, some full spectrum cfls and a timer and let it go. Its simple, it works, and the lifespan is decent on the bulbs. I think I am going to get my own set up going this weekend.
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