Kilnin' Myshelf

Sorce, you are a natural, love the architectural lines of the first cascade in the last post, almost F.L.Wright - ish. Very nice.

The train is outstanding. Shows your skills well.

Not a critique, but a mild comment. Keep in mind the pot is to support the image the tree is creating. I imagine for the train cascade the tree would either be a continuation of the "smoke" or could be the waterfall, or the tree covered slope of the mountain the tunnel went through. It will be difficult getting the right tree for this wonderful pot.

So you see if a pot were too gaudy the tree would have to be very dominant, and most don't have a strong enough trees to match showy pots. But I do have showy pots on my shelves that I doubt I will ever have a tree for. But I would enjoy looking at it on my shelf.
Basic Fine Art rule - so if someone shows and asks for no critique
give only praise or speak not.

In @sorce, Sorce's case, he has to ask for critiques, but not
yet, he is still going through his discovery stage.

The magic renews itself eh sorceror. Lots of practice. Go For it!!!!!

Beautiful work, but remember ---------- tree first.
Leo is correct. Ornaments / Curio cabinet,
Good Day
Artistry should begin with, concentrate on, and end with trees. I know pots are important.
Interesting stuff. I might have to buy one before you become too expensive! Just one question - where do you find the time? Did you quit your "regular" job?
Critique Away!
I fucking cracked the lid of this after all day carving.View attachment 214437
View attachment 214438

Guess whats getting a drainage hole!

If critique away, then how about , I like the general shape but the lines of this and some other pots are not sleek, clean enough, I think you need to pay more attention to that.

Maybe this can be some inspiration for you, a potter that does a lot of carving I like is this
@sorce ,

the cracked lid one. Great minds think alike.
Guess what was found in a store a few days ago.
Chinese made, concrete, painted and crappy
fake flowers.
Images to follow.

Sorce the potter [ Sorce Potter ] coooooolll!
Good Day

*Objects gotta be valued by those viewing as worth
300 to 500 $ for a career shot.
More practice.........................

any Ateliers [ Gammell / Lack / La Seur ] near you?
See Google .
You can get excellent instruction in clay Sculpture
and Sight Size [ K ]
Encourage, Encourage, Encourage.
Having read through this and your sale thread, I have to say, your pots are coming along nicely Sorce! Great work.

You've almost inspired me to give it a go myself.
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