Kilnin' Myshelf

I tried to auction the whole set of Went Home including suessy and no one hit.

I would think smaller and accent pots are tough to sell. Was the auction on the Faceweb? Some day I guess need to get on there.

I am liking the one with the scrunched wiggles on top and for the feet. The color is not doing it for me but I could see that being pretty cool with some color splashed on it.
The sheen on these when burnished is so slick.

The River Rocked Accent.
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With a 10x9 oval.View attachment 172184

This is the biggest, really solid, successful piece yet.
Totally ready for .....SUMMER...repotting!

An Artist, Craftsman, or hobbyist will enjoy how easy it is to hold any angle with this wire hole system.
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Always out of view.
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All these are available.

Xmas gift yourself!

I like your drainage channels, can't say I've seen that before.
You know I like giving stuff away.....

There's no telling what may end up in the mail for the best donation.

Maybe the snowbird?View attachment 172152

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It almost came out exactly as intended...but....ita hard to not test glazes in this stage!

Luck lucky mother...
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Dude...that snowbird!!! So will need to check the link. See what it's about...don't have much time for online such right now.
@sorce ... How much does this kiln heat the house? Wondering if this could pose an issue come summer when it's warmer out? Might...need to build a pottery shed.

It actually puts out less heat than the oven! Even after 10 hours!

Picked up the pot yesterday. It's lovely.

Get in on the ground floor of Sorce's custom pot making before he jacks up the prices!

Oh man!

The awesomeness that is the feeling of providing someone a pot is fantastic!

But this! A pot for a young lad (7 year old baby gorilla!) And his Crabapple....

He took the pot out of my hands and B lined for the car! How adorable! The energy was immense!

Then thinking about how there is this possibility of his tree, growing with him, possibly in this pot forever...

And being involved in his introduction to this responsibility of keeping trees....

Of course, being so young...there is this given, that he will lose interest, go off to school, get involved in other hobbies/activities....girls!

He may some day at 20-30....come back to this and need a reminding himself of where this pot came from.
Makes the story even more exciting!

As he will be able to come here and read it!

Coming to PU a pot after a trip to my Hometown's, Brookfield Zoo!

Welcome to the Signs!

I just can't wait to see how the colors of the crabs play off the pot! Red? Yellow?


It was great to meet you!

When he is old enough to understand....
Please tell him of the power he instilled in me! His energy will be present in every pot after!

Ramling eh!?
There aren't words!

jacks up the price

Of this!

I hope to create some pieces so great, that they fetch good prices. Collectables. Must haves.


It would go against everything I am to not have these pots obtainable by ANYONE!

$ will NEVER excite me as much as providing these wares.

A pot that sells at high dollar is merely a balance to gifts.

Earning $ doing what I love is Goal....

But I will never allow Greed in my life.

Disgusting efficiency....

Sorcery, and true energy in pots full of soul.


Aw, man. Right in the feels.

I was outside last spring and had my back turned doing something....I don't know what. But my son taps me on the back and shows me the "yamadori" he just collected from a patch of feral weed trees. By collect, I can only assume a two-handed yank out of the ground.

Hey, why not? Put some wire on it, potted it, and away it problem.
Aw, man. Right in the feels.

I was outside last spring and had my back turned doing something....I don't know what. But my son taps me on the back and shows me the "yamadori" he just collected from a patch of feral weed trees. By collect, I can only assume a two-handed yank out of the ground.

Hey, why not? Put some wire on it, potted it, and away it problem.

Love this!

It is one of those...."sticks in a pot"...

But with this great potential knowing its owner and collector has at least 50 more years to make it friggin amazing!

Crushes the entire "stick in a pot" BS all together!

Thats what makes this so awesome!
So exciting!

The most humble beginning.

With results to any possible end!

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