Picked up the pot yesterday. It's lovely.
Get in on the ground floor of Sorce's custom pot making before he jacks up the prices!
Oh man!
The awesomeness that is the feeling of providing someone a pot is fantastic!
But this! A pot for a young lad (7 year old baby gorilla!) And his Crabapple....
He took the pot out of my hands and B lined for the car! How adorable! The energy was immense!
Then thinking about how there is this possibility of his tree, growing with him, possibly in this pot forever...
And being involved in his introduction to this responsibility of keeping trees....
Of course, being so young...there is this given, that he will lose interest, go off to school, get involved in other hobbies/activities....girls!
He may some day at 20-30....come back to this and need a reminding himself of where this pot came from.
Makes the story even more exciting!
As he will be able to come here and read it!
Coming to PU a pot after a trip to my Hometown's, Brookfield Zoo!
Welcome to the Signs!
I just can't wait to see how the colors of the crabs play off the pot! Red? Yellow?
It was great to meet you!
When he is old enough to understand....
Please tell him of the power he instilled in me! His energy will be present in every pot after!
Ramling eh!?
There aren't words!