Since you've expressed that you want to make some changes...create the best tree you can...the front will resolve/reveal itself!
I realize this may be controversial, but why worry about the front before a tree is styled??? (I know this tree has a style but Adair has expressed that he would like to fine tune it) Why not...take the material and do the wiring and make the changes...when you are all done decide which direction is your preference and repot to suit when appropriate.
Seems more logical than trying to preselect a front...before things are even placed where you want them...
On a similar note....
Something Kimura said in the recent interview really caught my attention....he mentioned that he can see almost instantly what he wants to do with a piece of material! I don't think many of us look at much of our material and know instantly where it is going! In my own experience, my best results have always come from situations where I had a similar instinct/vision for the outcome of a project.
In actuality, that's exactly what I was going to do! The time for working JWP is about now, so I'm going to be taking the old wire off, let it rest a couple weeks, then wire and style it.
Of course, that involves setting pads, positioning branches, etc., so knowing the front has a bearing. Especially any angle change.
I am somewhat considering using it in the Dan Robinson workshop in Asheville. I haven't decided...
But, you're right, the final design will reveal itself as I work it.
Unfortunately, I don't have Kimura's eye. I saw that interview, too. And I was also struck by that comment.
I bought this tree because of the Shari and Jin. I don't have a lot of trees with deadwood. They're common in California. So, this one I'm planning as a long term keeper, so I'll take my time. I'd rather keep all the Jin for now. You can't put it back on!