Juniperus Horizontalis (Blue Rug Juniper) #1

Hey, just saw this thread, nice work and vision. Wanted to ask your opinion. I have this procumbens I sort of got frustrated with and ended up cutting at of the lower branches unde the main canopy back as I was just going to jin them as a science project. Those branches, I have not jinned yet, but had been cut back to be pads. In a noun of fear before removing all the foliage completely, I did keep some buds at the ends, as well as some small small backbuds throughout the branches. Will even small remaining growth be adequate to grow back and continue to thicken the trunk you think?
Nice project!

Might want to go over the entire tree with focus on improving the taper. See an number of opportunities that might prove fruitful.

Second toss around some thoughts on how to enhance the upper section.

Sometimes just fertilizing junipers strongly and just letting them grow for six m6-10 months will also provide opportunities and future ideas.

Pretty sure I do not dig the triple tails. Likely the trees will look best with one healthy and robust tail.

Keep up the good work

DSD sends
Thanks DSD.

Definitely have some cuts to be made but the tree did not appear particulalr vigorous this year. Im going to repot it next year, as its been 3 or 4 years. Id like to do that first.

Regarding the apex, I think once it fills in it will look better. Some decisions to be made there too.

At least one of those tails will become deadwood. Maybe even a second one!
Thanks for this thread. Very well-detailed, and it should be helpful in my future styling efforts, along with a handful of other progression threads. This looks incredible! I'm looking forward to watching it grow into something even more interesting than it already is.
I think for me the biggest failure Ive had with my trees prior to this summer has been fertilization. This tree (not really fertilized well) compared to my other trees is a night and day difference. This tree should be leaps ahead of where it is.
I’ve found the ‘Blau’ trees to be susceptible to cedar apple rust/jelly. But alternating a couple times weekly in the early Spring with copper and 3/1 seems to have kept mine boisterous this year.
Im going to spray with copper and dormant oils this year and see if that helps.
I’ve found the ‘Blau’ trees to be susceptible to cedar apple rust/jelly. But alternating a couple times weekly in the early Spring with copper and 3/1 seems to have kept mine boisterous this year.
I have several Juniperus horizontalis. The only time I saw cedar apple rust was on a new plant I brought in, and it was a procumbens. Never saw it on the J. horizontalis.

I haven't seen it on any of my plants in 5+ years. Probably because I have none of the other host the fungus needs in my yard nor nearby.
I have several Juniperus horizontalis. The only time I saw cedar apple rust was on a new plant I brought in, and it was a procumbens. Never saw it on the J. horizontalis.

I haven't seen it on any of my plants in 5+ years. Probably because I have none of the other host the fungus needs in my yard nor nearby.
Mine is doing much better this year. At some point I though it might follow the procumbens, on the way out.

But we did move last summer. Maybe getting away from the neighborhood with the crab apples has helped.
Mine is doing much better this year. At some point I though it might follow the procumbens, on the way out.

But we did move last summer. Maybe getting away from the neighborhood with the crab apples has helped.

Ding, Ding! You hit the nail on the head: getting away from the crab apples absolutely helped your problem with that fungus.

Glad you are seeing recovery and you were able to get away from it, that stuff is nasty
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