An old Okey couple is driving across the Texas panhandle on their way out to visit relatives in California.
The husband says "That cloud looks like a Buick!"
The wife, stone deaf, yells "What'd you say?"
"I said," he shouts, "That cloud looks like a Buick!"
"Oh, yeah, I guess it does dear."
While staring at the cloud, he blows past a patrolman who, shakes his head and pulls them over.
He says "I need your registration and proof of insurance"
"What'd he say?" she shouts.
"He needs the insurance papers outta the glove box dear!" The husband yells.
"Oh, Okay!" She shouts back.
The cop, amused, tries to make small talk as he processes their information
"So where y'all from?"
"Oh we're from Tuls-"
"What'd he say?"
"Oh," she shouts "We're from Tulsa, sir!"
The cop looks away for a moment, wistful. "I used to know a girl from Tulsa. Long ago..."
Then under his breath muttered "Worst lay of my life."
The wife, seeing his lips move, shouts "What'd he say?"
The Husband shout's back, "He said, He said he thinks he knows ya."