Japanese Larch Shohin?

I like the changes.... I personally still want the apex to continue to round down a little more and for the second branch to have its tip end flowing down the trunk more with the rest of the movement of the tree.... lovely tree.....

now I still am not to hot about the pot... i like the shape... my concern is with the height.. something say 3/4 the height of the current pot in a similar shape would be nice..... maybe in a dark brown (tho i do like this color as well oddly) .... as pensai I think the potting is perfect... so depends on what kind of feeling you want.... whimsical (pensai) or tidy (bonsai) ..... yes that is how i tend to think of the differences... :)
Thanks Eric,
I understand about the refinements of the style but with time this will be achieved..... I like the tree from many different "front's". However about the pot.....my selection sucks so I have to use what's available. When the trees ready for show then I'll look for another pot.
Cheers G
Golden Colour

The needles are falling after the blast of winter this week, however as the sun came out this afternoon the golden colours showed through.
Cheers G


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Very nice, I like this. How do you overwinter this tree? I always have treated J. larch as a much less hardy tree than A. larch, so would worry if I didn't know which it was. Am. larch from what I understand, needs very cold winters, whereas J larch needs protection... Or is this wrong?
More root exposed.

Hi Folks,
A small change - I lifted the rock/roots further out of the pot and after its settled in I'll refine/adjust the lower main stem. It's forming a couple of female cones on the very tip which I'll keep on (if I don't knock them off).
Eric - I'll continue to round off the top again this year. Up close and personal it doesn't look as pointed as in the photo.
Judy - I don't provide this guy with any more or different protection than all the other trees, keeping them all on the ground for most of the winter. If and when the temperatures go low for our area (say -4C), I move it and other smaller more sensitive ones into the garage.
Cheers Graham


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I am loving this tree, the new position really shows it off well. And the refining process is doing such good things for the composition.
Oh, cones, so cool!
I get much colder weather in the winter here, although this year was milder than normal. Where is Campbell River?

Several of my larches are coning this year... strange... will remove some as they take energy away... but they are nice to keep around...

lookin good g ....

Boy, what a beautiful place to live ghues!! BC is on my list of places I want to go visit. I've always wanted to live up in the Pacific NW...one of these days lol Oh, and I love your Larch too ;)
Where is Campbell River?

I am loving this tree, the new position really shows it off well. And the refining process is doing such good things for the composition.
Oh, cones, so cool!
I get much colder weather in the winter here, although this year was milder than normal. Where is Campbell River?

Try this link
I'm in the same boat Judy! Stuck in Chicago now, but was living in Berkeley for 10yrs and had thought I'd never leave the w. coast. Well, the recession came and here I am. But I WILL make it back out to the w. coast eventually. (nothing bad about Chicago, other than being flat and no good collecting areas around here ;) )
Spring 2012 Update

Well, finally up here around mid April it got warm enough to start repotting full-on, so its been a busy time after my real job and inbetween the "honey do" list projects on the weekends.
I couldn't resist taking a couple of shots of this RORJap/Larch in its spring colour....since the photo was taken I added more movement to the lower section.
Cheers Graham
ps I'll post some photos of my other interesting re-potting projects soon.

RORlarchMay2012 (2).jpgRORLarchMay2012.jpg
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Hi ghues,

When you prune your larch, how do you know where to locate the internodes. In other words, if you wanted to prune back to one or two internodes, how do you know where the internode is since they are not real clear.


Dave V.
Hi Dave,
I'm not sure I understand your question....the internode is the branch/stem between the nodes (i.e.from Wikipedia - the segments of the stem between the nodes are internodes). The nodes are where the branches or cones are. So I'm assuming you mean you are having trouble knowing where to trim the branch. If you look at post #26 you'll see this tree right after re-potting and the small buds (nodes) are very clear, so I prune the branch back to a bud which faces the direction I want the branch to grow.
Spring Update #2

Another spring update, it doesnt seem to have "blinked" in its grwoth after the repot this spring so I've completed some selective soft pinching of new growth over the last few days ....however these are the before photos....have to wait for the rain to stop to get post treatment shots :(


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6 Fronts no back?

A December wiring update..
With this hexagon...orchid pot... during the growing months I rotated this tree once a week so that the whole tree had been given its share of sunshine every 6 weeks(SW aspect)....one day I wondered which front I really liked the best.....yuuuhhhmmmA...B...C...D...E?
Cheers GrahamShohinLarchDec2012SideA.jpgShohinLarchDec2012SideB2.jpgShohinLarchDec2012SideC.jpgShohinLarchDec2012SideD.jpgShohinLarchDec2012SideE.jpg
Or F

here is the 6th view F.....and a shot of the lone cone....looks like the bracts are maturing nicely hhhhmmmm
Plans are to raise it again in the same pot this spring exopsing more of the roots....ShohinLarchDec2012SideF.jpgShohinLarchDec12Cone.jpg
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Looks good, it's maturing nicely. Have you thought more abou robs idea of lowering the apex a bit?
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