Japanese Larch Shohin?

This RoR had a decent summer but just this week the local dark eyed juncos decided to thrash the moss that had established itself on the soil surface and around the base of some of the larger roots. Decided to remove the remaining moss, add a surface layer and do a little wiring. Explored the option of removing more soil exposing more of the larger roots but decided not to, maybe at the end of next year. Leaning towards the image in the second photo.

Biggest issue for those of us in the GWN - decent pots at reasonable prices.

Years ago, I saw that the rate of exchange between the Yen and the Euro was very good for me. So I ordered pots (rather simple ones) from Tokoname. Better quality for 20-30% less of what I could find in France, shipping included.
Of course, the price of containers have soared, so I'm not sure this is now as good as it used to be.
And of course, it's always better to buy local, and make the local craftsmen earn a decent living...
This is really nice I got over 200 seedlings planted of Japanese Larch and I’ll probably another 200 on the way I just wanna grow them for some reason I always like the twiggy nature of them when they’re leafless.
Starting them indoors in CO2 fertilization to get them passed a damp off stage and then will be put outside where there’s more room.
Such a great tree. I've loved it since my first days here on BNut. It just keeps getting better and better with age. It really deserves a better pot, though...
Such a great tree. I've loved it since my first days here on BNut. It just keeps getting better and better with age. It really deserves a better pot, though...
Yes couldn’t agree more..... a decent shallow rectangular or oval perhaps. As one can see from the ugly “cage” I am trying to encourage root growth on the lower section of the stone (Rock) it’s perched on. The upper roots are starting to hide the Stone well.
Most of my Larch (Larix x eurolepis) have suffered from the recurring heat waves we've had here, and of the drought. I water them every day, sometimes twice a day when it's about 30°C or more, but only those in full shade, in the coolest corner of my garden are at their best, the others haves browning needles on some branches.
Most of my Larch (Larix x eurolepis) have suffered from the recurring heat waves we've had here, and of the drought. I water them every day, sometimes twice a day when it's about 30°C or more, but only those in full shade, in the coolest corner of my garden are at their best, the others haves browning needles on some branches.
I actually found out recently from a very reliable source that this one I thought my Japanese, is actually a European Larch. During our heat dome last year in late June it got up to 40 degrees ( breaking all sorts of records)…..many of the trees suffered and I lost 4……their needles hadn’t had a chance to fully lignify. Didn’t think that in our mild climate we’d need shade cloth lol.
Beautiful larch! I dig the design of it and the root over rock, together with the natural slate pot. Really fits all together.
Didn’t think that in our mild climate we’d need shade cloth lol.

Yeah... Mountain trees have more and more difficulty in low lands. Here too Larix decidua have always been difficult to keep green until Autumn.
31°C here today, and it's probably going to be at least 35°C next week, with no rain at all. Very hot and dry for Larch and "Japanese maples"...
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