Thuja will always get a bad rap until the powers that be appreciate them for what you can do with them instead of comparing them to a tight fisted juniper. The foliage is a pain to deal with, that's the other aggravation. It's labor intensive to keep them in check. That being said they are twisted gnarly and very old and some real specimens can be found. The larger the tree, the easier it is to deal with the foliage. Here's a few of mine I've collected...

Tired spring foliage

There's a couple here in my shohin display. I'm wondering if treating them like a maple that you repot every year might be something to consider. They are prolific rooters, maybe knocking them back every year to contain their aggression would be helpful. I might try that on a smaller one and see what the impact is.

Tired spring foliage

There's a couple here in my shohin display. I'm wondering if treating them like a maple that you repot every year might be something to consider. They are prolific rooters, maybe knocking them back every year to contain their aggression would be helpful. I might try that on a smaller one and see what the impact is.