I think I might have a nice yamadori?


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I have just recently became interested in Bonsai yesterday. Though I would like a pomegranate tree for indoor I noticed that I have had these junipers outside my property for over 30 years. They are not in a pot so I'm assuming it is a potential yamadori? I think it would be cool to pot these and start making bonsai or should I just leave them in the ground?
I have just recently became interested in Bonsai yesterday. Though I would like a pomegranate tree for indoor I noticed that I have had these junipers outside my property for over 30 years. They are not in a pot so I'm assuming it is a potential yamadori? I think it would be cool to pot these and start making bonsai or should I just leave them in the ground?

If there is no siggy O to put your balls in a sling....

Have at em!

Unless they are really really wicked dope.

Then only try your hand at the pooest one this year.

I would research as much about juniper styling and care as you can before even thinking about digging. Check out Ryan Neil and Bjorn Bjornholm on YouTube. They have done some exceptional work on world class junipers. And they have a lot of important information for begginers. Also browse this site's huge selection of begginers threads. Lots of the pros here like to give advice.
Awesome information thank you all very much. There is actually 2, I will take pictures tomorrow. Yeah and to be honest never in my life did I check the trunk or nabari until yesterday and it looks like it would look cool in a pot. I want to train and wire it.
Sorce! Wow I just seen your location. BRUH I am from Joliet! lol
Sorce! Wow I just seen your location. BRUH I am from Joliet! lol


I been working at Rich's pizza Factory off Central down from the mall for the last few weeks....

Going up to Weber and some bank tomoro at 11 to pick up a check....

You wanna go blow it on weed and trees!




I been working at Rich's pizza Factory off Central down from the mall for the last few weeks....

Going up to Weber and some bank tomoro at 11 to pick up a check....

You wanna go blow it on weed and trees!




There's a hydroponic and brew shop on route 53 south of I-55

They actually have coarse perlite which isn't half dust. Coco coir for seedlings and herbs. Some mysterious "grow stones" which look like a reasonable substrate component. Organic fert up the ass.
There's a hydroponic and brew shop on route 53 south of I-55

They actually have coarse perlite which isn't half dust. Coco coir for seedlings and herbs. Some mysterious "grow stones" which look like a reasonable substrate component. Organic fert up the ass.

So we'll meet there at noon and then go to The Hidden Gardens?


A....Il! Nice!

All I got for this year is two repots, two fall stylings, and two suburbadori which need to be left alone.

I'm done. Otherwise I'd love to watch you ingest your duly legal medical marijuana.
LOL no way.. Too funny, you all are crazy lmao. I sent you my number hit me up at your convenience
Still want to see a picture of the juniper :D

Ok cool, I will take some now. They were just covered in snow so I held off on taking pictures, not to mention I was too busy literally butchering my barbados cherry, such a nice tree it was, I failed on styling that cherry tree my gosh man. Good clear day out today though so I will have the pictures shortly. I am not as excited about the junipers as I was initially because they were never trained and the more I read about bonsai the more it becomes apparent that training is actually the key to bonsai so at best I will have 30+ year old junipers. I still am really excited about making bonsai out of them, if I even can or maybe I will just buy a juniper as I am not even sure if I can make them bonsai.
This is the first juniper

Juniper 1-1.jpeg Juniper 1-2.jpeg Juniper 1-3.jpeg Juniper 1-4.jpeg Juniper 1-5.jpeg Juniper 1-6.jpeg

This is the second juniper

Juniper 2-1.jpeg
Juniper 2-2.jpeg Juniper 2-3.jpeg Juniper 2-4.jpeg
This is the second juniper again and then a picture of both of them.

Juniper 2-6.jpeg Junipers.jpeg
I can't seem to locate the nabari exactly, I will learn though.
That'll probably involve a little digging. Plus, it's real crap shoot when plants are left to their own devices like this.
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