I don't like Bunjin...

Update City:

1. FIND a good candidate; not manufactured;
2. No evidence of “The Hand of Man”, at the same time artful augmentation expected and acceptable.
3. Trunk line is primary focal point, foliage is incidental or confirming age/tortured life.
4. Foliage is incidental or confirming age/tortured life.
5. Overall appearance of tenuous life.
6. Great indeterminate age.
7. Not short, or sumo.
8. Less is more.

All points are arguable, but these are more so.
1. Is either “Natural” or conversely “unique”
2. Has either "graceful" or inherently "ungraceful" lines

Is there a hierarchy of characteristics, as in some more important than others, or is it a package with everything necessary?

More? Less? Choose different words to characterize?
So.. you are saying.. These are not literati because too much foliage?

Unfortunately.. I just pulled it of a google search which lead, I think, to one of those image collection sites with thousands of pictures of bonsai, and no attributions. :( Maybe someone knows the logo and/or can read the writing ?
Resurrecting for a good cause. Lol. It’s the Chinese Penjing Artists Association in the water mark. 99.9% sure
I love the literati style. I think to many choose young material and it doesn't pull it off. This is the closest I have. The bark is all craggy and texture.

Not for everyone. I think that's what draws me to the styles I am drawn to. Virginia Creeper.
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