Huge alien mosquitoes in my plant room

Crane flys. I used to catch them when I was a kid

Some people are calling them daddy long legs, but those are spiders that also have long, spindly legs

If a I recall, crane flies eat mosquitoes

I’m sure it’s already been mentioned though
We call them Craneflies or Daddy Long legs. Their larvae are called Leatherjackets and feed underground on grass roots before emerging as adult flies in late summer and autumn
They are a great bait for dapping for big trout on Irish Loughs
They don't just eat grass. We found them munching on a lot more types of plant roots.

Some fun on the side: the Dutch are very good at naming things. Freely translated they're called Longleg Mosquitos.
The adults actually do not feed on mosquitoes or any other insects. Like the mayfly, the adult stage, rather than hunting, seeks a mate and dies. Some research indicates that they may occasionally visit flowers for nectar.
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