Thank you all so much for your responses. For some reason I didn’t see notifications that anyone had been responding and thought nobody had! it has been a busy end of summer with my kids starting school. I was looking at it today and kind of panicking and I thought I would check here out of desperation and lo and behold, everybody has weighed in!
In the previous month, it has grown even more. Big growth spurt. I can no longer reach quite around the base. It’s thicker than my wrist now, and it grew over two feet in height!
I hope that some of the roots are contained in that pot thing, but I’m sure it has escaped at this point for it to be thriving like this. Even if I were to just let it grow into a full size tree it could never stay that close to the house. The flower bed was supposed to be temporary.
I figured I would move it into a nursery pot before it got as big as it is now. I figured the growth will slow mightily as soon as I put it in a bonsai pot, although for now, I might put it into a nursery pot until I get it closer to how I want it.
It grew a lot faster than I expected. Everything else I’m growing is much slower. It’s glorious but also took my noob self by surprise.
I need to cut it asap, but I am afraid to cut it down to below my ultimate height yet because I’m concerned about it surviving. There’s a bare section in the middle around the height of my railing where the kids harvested branches and leaves from it. It has to be able to survive a bit of abuse.
It’s kind of hard to tell from my pictures, but the lower two or 3 feet of the trunk are not actually stick straight. There is a gentle curve to it. I love the look of an old gnarled thing. I am concerned though if it gets any bigger (even if not for the deck renovation soon) physically I’m going to have trouble getting it out of the ground.
Heck, I’ve already going to have trouble getting it out of the ground.

i gave myself a bit of a fright, digging down into the pot to see what it was doing under there this morning. When it was a wee twig my kids must have buried some surprise plastic dinosaur skeletons and I thought I was running across a more modern reptile that crawled in there and died!
It looks a lot thicker down near the bottom. Maybe cool nebari. I want to uncover a bit more; will need to to see what I am working with.