Thanks for sharing .
Slenderness may be good for .With thin elongated growth of these one could wonder if not naturally meant to sprout in fully exposed sunny location?
Thanks for your info . It is good to know .I did mine in fulll sun and they thrived but they died late winter early spring
I did mine in fulll sun and they thrived but they died late winter early spring
Not sure, I guess just not enough winter protection. I had those and jbp pots burried in the yard and some got ate by squirrels others just didn't wake up and once spring hit the needles went from purple to brown. Only 2 jbp survivedA late freeze, snow, dried out, what reason for death?
Hihi . What can I say? They are slender, surelyDid you mean 35 cm? They sure don't look almost 14 inches tall. Also, they look pretty weak.
How many needles do these have per set?These are almost 10 months old. They have been growing fast. Some trees are about 40cm in height! It looks like it grows continuously, without stops as JBP.
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some trees have different color!
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It has been raining quite a bit in my area lately. One drop is remaining on one tree!
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I will transplant them to separated 4” pot in this winter and will start training them soon !
Thụ Thoại
At this time, there are 3 kinds of.needle bundles: one needle, two needle and three needle bundles. It is similar to the young seedlings of black pine. I think we have to wait until it turns into 3-4 years old, then we will definitely know how many needles in one bundle .How many needles do these have per set?
Also their temperature range?
Thanks for the information?At this time, there are 3 kinds of.needle bundles: one needle, two needle and three needle bundles. It is similar to the young seedlings of black pine. I think we have to wait until it turns into 3-4 years old, then we will definitely know how many needles in one bundle .
In my area, temperature ranging from 32 -110 degrees of Fahrenheit !
Thụ Thoại
I enjoy reading and seeing your Huangshan updates, mine are about the same age and size as yours currently, but I’m curious to see how that changes with time, I have a very long winter dormancy so it will be interesting to see growth differences between our climates?These are almost 10 months old. They have been growing fast. Some trees are about 40cm in height! It looks like it grows continuously, without stops as JBP.
View attachment 273527 View attachment 273528 View attachment 273529 View attachment 273530
some trees have different color!
View attachment 273531
It has been raining quite a bit in my area lately. One drop is remaining on one tree!
View attachment 273532
I will transplant them to separated 4” pot in this winter and will start training them soon !
Thụ Thoại
Awesome!, Hopefully you can share some pictures of yours sometime? Can’t wait to see these trees progress.I also have a tray of them, maybe 20-25, I started this year Mine also are about 10 months old. Of all the conifer seeds I planted this year, these have done the best.