Help me identify this tree please


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Southern CA
Hello everyone,

I was gifted a cutting a few months ago and now that she's sprouting beautifully, I need to know her name :) All I know is this is a Japanese flower tree.
So I have a photo of mine and the original one here, if you please could help me.

Thank you

Green stems, I would say Poncirus trifoliata. But opposite leaves...
Poncirus trifoliata has serious thorns in all cultivars I know of.
Flying dragon is the worst; those form a hook.
But poncirus don't weep like this plant does.

It's a trifoliate something, but I wouldn't say poncirus. I have seen plants like in the picture, but I never took the time to find out what they are. Sorry, that's all I can do here.
Yes, I but(ed) it?.
The picture on the right... young leaves. The picture on the left... unreadable.
A q. to OP, have you seen its flowers?
You can try to google trifolia/trifoliata, there's some returns, vitex...
From what I can see it will in the end not be worth the effort because of the compound leaves.
Hi everyone, thank you so much for the input and I apologize for being MIA :) I've been having some tests and exams intensely in the past weeks at school.

The picture of the big tree was given to me by the owner; that says when I have a chance to come back there, I will definitely get a better photo of it.
And yes it is the same plant because he gave me a cutting branch from that tree :)
The owner told me it would give flowers. And that some people grow it as a beautiful weeping tree.

I hope sometimes next summer the branches will grow longer and stronger, then it will show better "weeping branches"
Could it be a Weeping Siberian Peashrub, Caragana arborescens 'Pendula'?

Ohhhhhh you know it does look like that tree!!! or shrub. I googled it and the foliages look very identical to what I have.
Now I can dig more into the information with the name provided. Thank you very much!!!
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