Hacks Maples

Interested to see the Chishio, i'm having a hard time getting cuttings to survive. Lots of awesome samples and air layer successes!
Interested to see the Chishio, i'm having a hard time getting cuttings to survive. Lots of awesome samples and air layer successes!
Actually the one cutting of chisio improved died, I think likely because I tried to wire some wiggle in it. I did separate my first airlayer off the mother plant this year and it seems very healthy.

A.P chisio improved, air layer separated about 1 month ago. Another test really, just seeing if it would layer with my methods. 20220830_184114.jpg
How well did the chishio improved layer? My Seigen and Deshojo are very reluctant. Time until rooting?
@Ming dynasty , standard A.P., just seed grown, no specific cultivar. They tend to be bullet proof. I've only tried one turface product and it worked fine, sometimes I've mixed it with miracle grow potting soil depending on where the plant falls in my sprinkler setup. Here's a look at the product I've tried, I got it at site one landscaping in Chamblee GA. It's a great cheap alternative

@Ming dynasty , standard A.P., just seed grown, no specific cultivar. They tend to be bullet proof. I've only tried one turface product and it worked fine, sometimes I've mixed it with miracle grow potting soil depending on where the plant falls in my sprinkler setup. Here's a look at the product I've tried, I got it at site one landscaping in Chamblee GA. It's a great cheap alternative

View attachment 453904

I’ll look into this one. I’m familiar with the MVP line.
It took longer than many, probably 3+ months. I was starting to doubt it was going to work this year.
Good to know, gonna try and layer mine after next spring growth. I also have a landscape sized osakazuki that i picked up for super cheap that i want to try and air layer but i understand that both these cultivars are hard to propagate outside of grafting (which i'll also do in the future even if air layer/cuttings don't work out) it has seeds so i'm also gonna try those and hopefully get some more to work with.
I did a late season cutback on this tree to try to reduce the internode length, again.. it seems to work. It's fun to have the new growth when everything else is so tired by the end of summer.

My faithful but fruitless squirrel chaser bombed in there, lol20220914_182826.jpg20220914_182947.jpg
Couple of layers left to separate this year. Harvested one today, screwed to a board and planted back in the ground. 20221030_162139.jpg
do you literally screw it to the trunk from below? what's the watering regime for when in the ground?
do you literally screw it to the trunk from below? what's the watering regime for when in the ground?
Yes, I place a short screw through the board and into the trunk, this one actually spilt the trunk a little. I don't think that'll be a problem. You just water like any landscape plant, mine are all within a sprinkler zone, so I don't really have to think about them
Yes, I place a short screw through the board and into the trunk, this one actually spilt the trunk a little. I don't think that'll be a problem. You just water like any landscape plant, mine are all within a sprinkler zone, so I don't really have to think about them
Sweet! thanks.
Since youre on the East coast I assume pumice is harder to come by, but might expanded, broken clay not be a better soil component than turface? It is cheaper as well. I can get 4 Liters exp. clay for 1 Euro. Less than half the price of the turface product you showed, I think. Give this a read
Since youre on the East coast I assume pumice is harder to come by, but might expanded, broken clay not be a better soil component than turface? It is cheaper as well. I can get 4 Liters exp. clay for 1 Euro. Less than half the price of the turface product you showed, I think. Give this a read
Thanks for the links, I'll certainly remember to evaluate the full root balls when I repot.
Since youre on the East coast I assume pumice is harder to come by, but might expanded, broken clay not be a better soil component than turface? It is cheaper as well. I can get 4 Liters exp. clay for 1 Euro. Less than half the price of the turface product you showed, I think. Give this a read
IMHO, the moral of these stories is

Don't put shit in Turface (fired Montmorillonite clay).

These problems don't arise if one uses a chem fert or just puts it (poo/org-fert) in teabags.
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