Grouper52 put a disturbing message on his profile page...

Why the post that is guaranteed to make people who care about you ask the questions that have been asked concerning your health and safety?
Why the post that is guaranteed to make people who care about you ask the questions that have been asked concerning your health and safety?
I don’t remember what prompted me to click on his profile... we had swapped a few PMs last summer.

But, yeah, when I saw that post, I was concerned!

Seemed a desperate call for help. Not even a real thread post, a post on a profile page, which -I don’t know about anyone else - I rarely read the profiles. It was kinda like someone throwing a “help” message out in a bottle in the ocean. Despair.

I do hope Will’s situation improves!
Anyone that’s interested in Will’s book...Gnarly Branches, it’s found on the garden website, and is actually cheaper than amazon...
That book is well worth the money. Destined (or already is) to be an important part of U.S. bonsai history. I had a copy the month it was published, autographed by Dan Robinson. Will has yet to sign it and it's incomplete without his signature.
Funny, when I first saw the book (borrowed from club library) I thought it was well done and an enjoyable read, but I didn't really care for most of the trees. Now that I've been doing this for a few years I have a greater appreciation for Dan's "style". Maybe it's time to buy my own copy...
Why the post that is guaranteed to make people who care about you ask the questions that have been asked concerning your health and safety?

Honestly...sometimes we have to put it out there to step over it and move on. In grief...and that is where he's at. (My opinion.) Grieving the loss of something he valued. There is no rhyme or reason. But...we sometimes have to put it out there to move ahead. taking a leave of posting is also normal. I recall when I lost my dad...I had to step away for a brief time. Because I was not myself. And didn't wish to represent the feelings I was having outward to one's I cared about here.

I've also spoke to Will concerning his post. He's going to he okay. I feel that. Why? Because I will put this out there. I woke the same morning he posted...with a concern for him before I seen his post. I feel God placed his name on my heart. I feel God wanted him to know...he isn't alone. uneasiness has left me. He's got a core handful to see him through...and he will overcome this. He also knows...we care. And...though some may see that as very little. I think it's a bigger picture how we effect more than we realize here.
Whoa, I just seen this and didn't read (nor will I) or know anything about any other post. All I can say is Will, you've been a tremendous inspiration, mentor and friend to most of us on this forum. I think I can speak for everyone and say we're here for you brother, when you need us and in your own time. Hold steady and shout when you need to.
@grouper52 I hope you've managed to get some of your trees back and have the time and desire to treat us to some of your excellent photography. Your Cryptomeria inspired me to start my own. I'd love to see how it's doing now when and if that's possible. I've found caring for trees to be a great source of enjoyment & comfort, my 'safety net' in life. Your trees especially have added to that joy.
I'm OK, folks. Please don't worry, but know that I thank you all for your concern. I'm not likely to be posting much here in the near future, nor taking the trip I had planned, but I'll probably get back into the swing of things again at some point.

@grouper52 You are loved and highly valued my friend. Shoot me a message if you would like.
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