M. Frary
Bonsai Godzilla
That freak too!the Mentalist
That freak too!the Mentalist
I thought that was Alex Trebek.He knows EVERYTHING !
Chase! Forgot about him.
The guy that plays House is British now that I think about it.
I have a question for a nutter down under. Do you use blue euchalyptus for bonsai? I have a small one Id like to keep small. It has blue round leaves. It does backbud, making me think its an ok choice to bonsai. And since its from down your way, any advice? Sorry for the highjacking.....
Best is to PM MichaelS. He is a authority on that....Do you use blue euchalyptus for bonsai
If I remember rightly @eferguson1974 yours is an E. Gunnii. Also called Cider Gum or Little Boy Blue.
Yes they can be used, there are a few examples kicking about here and there. Ausbonsai forum would be a good place to get some info from people that have tried them before and for Eucs in general.
Just this morning I cut one back and did a root trim before putting in a colander so I have one for now, it may not make it but we shall see.
I don't think there are many around though.
Well Im going to have to keep at it and see what happens. Its a cool little tree. Im still looking for a rainbow euch to torture, theyre such cool trees. Thanks for the advice, I have some more reading to do...
Man that is one bizarrely cool looking tree...Im still looking for a rainbow euch
Man that is one bizarrely cool looking tree...