I'll aver that a "consensus of scientists" - officially proposing that collective noun on this forum, by the way - is not nearly as wise as a parliament of owls. Then again, owls aren't in the pay of governments or foundations or corporations that stand to benefit from putting one over on the general population; otherwise they'd be hooting on every nightly MSM broadcast, and making policy in corporate boardrooms.
On a related note, starting back in the late 1970's the medical scientists (doctors and researchers at giant pharma companies) established the dogma that high serum cholesterol in humans caused heart attacks. This became almost universally accepted - you might say a consensus of scientists agreed on this. No need for debate. The science was settled. Better still, we were going to eliminate heart disease in less than a generation! Yes, they so proclaimed. Any doctor who dared to disagree, by the way, was labeled a quack. For the knowledgeable non-doctor, snake oil salesman. Meanwhile, billions and billions were made selling worse than useless statin drugs.
Well, it took about 40 years but the U.S. government finally had to admit that lowering serum cholesterol by use of statin drugs or changing one's eating habits (a lesser choice, since it didn't make a lot of dough for you know who) had absolutely no discernible effect on heart disease rates in the U.S. This is almost certainly because they did not understand the etiology of heart disease - those experts! No matter, though, the heart attack industry did great and the hapless patients never knew any better.
Fast-forward to today, and you can bet that most doctors if asked will tell you that lowering serum cholesterol is a good thing and is beneficial for heart health. This is absolutely false. But there's that consensus thing again, where the "consensus of experts" agree on a certain thesis and cannot be reasoned with no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.
All the foregoing having been said, the AGW skirmish is one part of a multi-millennial spiritual conflict disguised as a worldly conflict, driven by evil men and women with the help of gullible but otherwise well-meaning men and women. ...the natural (worldly) man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Cor. 2:14)
But it ends well.
'Nuff said.