Global warming latest news

If only our leaders and scientists would make good use of history. All successful glorious empires had a thing in common and it's actually something that all scientists, activists and politicians seem to lack nowadays: a futuristic vision.

Check your news headlines, check your political speeches, check your company policies, check your activists.. They all do it wrong: Fear tactics.
Fear tactics are great when you want to topple an empire, rally people to your side, to create enemies. But it always pairs with extremism. Religion works that way, war works that way too. If there's only hell to avoid and no heaven to work towards, people will act stupid and will go crazy.
Your workplace probably knows that if you keep telling people they suck and keep pushing people to do better, at some point they'll drop their work and tell you to go fuck yourself. That's what Greta did for me.

We shouldn't be moving towards the lesser evil and bicker about what's worse or who's wrong or right, to be constantly focusing on avoiding or implying/denying hell on earth. Instead we should be moving towards the greater good, have some damn trust that we can shape our own future.

Politicians made it their game to propose nightmares to avoid, activists do too and scientists are following in their footsteps.

I'd like my future kids to experience the crackling sound of frozen grass beneath their feet. I want to build a snowman every winter. I want them to complain about the cold, the rain, the wind and the heat of the summer. I want them to experience four seasons instead of two. Now if being a bit more environmentally friendly doesn't work, then what happens? What if the scientists were wrong?! Oh shuck! The world my kids will grow up in is a bit healthier. That's a damn shame isn't it! All that minimal effort, and for what?! I've wasted probably three hours a year!
Now what if it does work, what if the scientists were right?
Me and my kids future get to live a dream.

That's worth something.

I don't care who's right or wrong, who has the better models or the best data. I want to live a dream.
Tired of spending energy on the debate. It's binary, it either works or it doesn't. If it doesn't, I want to have given it my best shot. If it does, I want to have given it my best shot.
Climate history depends on more than just ice cores. The article below has links to the original sources, and most important, the references to the various studies that the information was developed from.

Read. Climate change, and it is warming, is not a controversy. It is a undisputed fact. The fact that a major portion of this warming is anthropogenic, man-made is also an undisputed fact. Science depends on reproducible test results. This has been done. We are beyond "debate", the facts are in and the phenomena is real. The intensified hurricanes and the fires and drought in the western North America are the new normal. These conditions will not "go away" until mankind changes the level of pollutants we dump into the atmosphere. And, carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas. Methane is 10 times more potent than carbon dioxide, though it does not get the media coverage.

Climate history depends on more than just ice cores. The article below has links to the original sources, and most important, the references to the various studies that the information was developed from.

Read. Climate change, and it is warming, is not a controversy. It is a undisputed fact. The fact that a major portion of this warming is anthropogenic, man-made is also an undisputed fact. Science depends on reproducible test results. This has been done. We are beyond "debate", the facts are in and the phenomena is real. The intensified hurricanes and the fires and drought in the western North America are the new normal. These conditions will not "go away" until mankind changes the level of pollutants we dump into the atmosphere. And, carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas. Methane is 10 times more potent than carbon dioxide, though it does not get the media coverage.

Methane is a biggie. For one, we are taking vast amounts of methane out of storage deep in the earth and converting it to carbon dioxide - something that would NOT be happening otherwise. Along the way we are losing non-trivial amounts due to leakage at wells, refineries, and from transport pipes, so sort of a double whammy. Plus there are other anthropogenic sources of methane such as landfills, farms, etc. And as the planet warms overall, increasing amounts of methane are being released afrom melting arctic permafrost. That release would occur as the earth warms regardless of whether the warming is part of a natural cycle or human-induced, but it's still another source that will amplify the resulting warming.

I'm currently involved in a research project that uses a couple of remote sensing instruments to attempt to quantify both natural and anthropogenic methane sources. Early stages but interesting work.
I'm currently involved in a research project that uses a couple of remote sensing instruments to attempt to quantify both natural and anthropogenic methane sources. Early stages but interesting work.
cool. Anything you canshare here or in pvt? Sensor you are using, approach? My dissertyation was on hyperspectral rs of plant physiology
No need for a new thread, this attempt to not be discriminatory feels very discriminatory.


2 languages I have no idea of what they are before Polish, THEN Spanish?


Definitely not voting!


I see this in NL too. You get certain info in so many languages. Where I would have though.. you live somewhere.. You learn the language. And maybe you are nice and also put things in English. But why have 8 different languages.
why have 8 different languages.

To pretend! Lol!

What a load of horse dung yeah?

There is No other information present in other languages, so someone who can't speak English wouldn't know who or what they were voting for anyway!

so someone who can't speak English wouldn't know who or what they were voting for anyway!
With the risk of sounding racist / foreignern-feared / ..
Indeed. Learn the language of your home country, or at least english.
We can't be as close as we should be without good communication.
There was a lot of dust when the NL started to require immigrants to learn Dutch. (Although, before arrival, which I think is a bit hrash). But the basic premis I agree with. In a country where you intent to live for more than a few month, leanr the basics of local language.
Although, before arrival, which I think is a bit harsh

It's downright calculateably stupid isn't it!?

Isn't it proven a language is learned easier amongst others speaking the language?

We, as the people of these countries, should decide to be together more than the politicians want us.

Bunch of dumbass arguments to keep us from knowing the basic shit everyone knows and focusing on the revolution!

It's downright calculateably stupid isn't it!?
Nah. I thought it was just racist. Forcing people to learn a language which is spoke by maybe 30M people in the world, while not in a regiong where it is spoken. Does not make sense. It was just to stop migration, I am sure.
Those who do not know the history, are doomed to repeat the failures. @sorce - did you know there is NO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE BY LAW for the United States? Do you know why? English was more or less the language of commerce for 10 of the 13 colonies, with German being the common language for Pennsylvania and Dutch and German being more common than English for New York. Both those colonies combined had more people than the rest of the colonies combined. So back in the 1776 to 1780's, when the Constitutional Congress was debating, the topic of national language came up, and by population, English was never the dominant language. So they tabled the matter, and conducted the writing of our founding documents in English, without actually making it the official language. The topic of making English the National Language several times in Congress through the 1890's. And each time the significant immigrant populations told their Congressional members that they did not want English as their national language. Now no one single language dominated, but more than 50% would have preferred a language other than English as the "National Language".

So the reason that public, official documents are printed in multiple languages is there IS NO OFFICIAL NATIONAL LANGUAGE for USA. By default English is the common language, but every citizen has a right to ask that documents be available in their native language. Instituted during the anti-Communist Red Scare of the Joe McCarthy era, the requirements for obtaining citizenship require being able to take a citizenship test in English, but this is not the same as officially declaring English as a national language. To pass a citizenship test your English ability can be pretty rudimentary. You do not have to be fluent in English.

SO calm the F down. We are all immigrants in this immigrant country. Even First Nations people, the Native Americans, immigrated to this country some 12,000 years ago. Well maybe some got here 12,000 years ago, there were actually several waves of First Nations people arriving some even earlier, and several waves that came later, but the Clovis culture was well established in modern New Mexico some 12,000 years ago. We are all immigrants. Its a fact, and not something to get worked up about. I bet at least one of your Grandparents grew up speaking a language other than English, and only learned English later. So what get bent if a state document tries to make it easier for all to understand.
That just makes English being at the top even MORE uncool!

Nice history lesson @Leo in N E Illinois .

To add to this, I always find it funny to think that New York started as Dutch colony, more or less..
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