Global warming latest news

Unless you're walking to work, living in the dark and scavenging food in the wild, stop ravaging the planet.
Well I live off grid and mostly work from home. My carbon footprint is sustainable. Most in the first world can’t say the same, but I wouldn’t ask most individuals to change because all they’re doing is buying what’s being sold. Change from the top is needed, but that’ll only happen when it becomes less profitable to be wasteful than to be sustainable.
because all they’re doing is buying what’s being sold. Change from the top is needed, but that’ll only happen when it becomes less profitable to be wasteful than to be sustainable.
Two way street. THings are bought which are on offer. Things are on offer because they are bought.
Just the other day we were discussing here.. Commercials, root of the problem. Selling stuff people do not need, convincing people that they need it.
isn't vache cow in French?

"Oh la vache !" is about "Holy cow !", except that it used to be, and still is among people a certain age, the basis of the adverb "vachement" (super), etc.

"C'est vache", that's tough is still used when someone feels it's unfair or too hjarsh on someone.

And "Putain de merde" is a very common swearword, very bad, but everybody says that in such circumstances.

"Putain" (a, er, prostitute, like the Polish "kurwa") is a kind of punctuation mark in south-west France 😄

When I was six and went to the north, it was like a blasphemy in a fundamentalist congregation !
60 years later, it's like a punctution mark in most people's speech 🤤
Well I live off grid and mostly work from home. My carbon footprint is sustainable. Most in the first world can’t say the same, but I wouldn’t ask most individuals to change because all they’re doing is buying what’s being sold. Change from the top is needed, but that’ll only happen when it becomes less profitable to be wasteful than to be sustainable.
Just curious, how can "sustainability" be defined or determined? CO2 has a negligible impact on planetary temperature to start with, so all this "footprint" measuring sounds scientific but it's all only so much BS. But maybe that's the point of it all, who knows?
This thread is a hot mess! I tried to read most of this thread...I couldn't do it.

People are talking past each other.
People are cherry picking 1 study or a handful of anecdotes to prove their points (on both sides).
People are giving examples of scientists being wrong about unrelated topic X to prove a point that scientists must be wrong about this. (WTF?)

Not cool! (And I just put that very nicely)

Global warming (and what causes it, etc) is not a simple topic.

You can't prove it or disprove it by pointing to a single article or study.
Politicians and people who want to look smart try to do this all the time.

There are over 50,000 research articles mentioning either the terms "global warming," "climate change" or "greenhouse gas."

If we want to have a productive conversation about this, we should probably narrow the focus.

Maybe something like:
"Over the last ~30 years, sea levels have been rising by an average of 1/8" per year (fact). Are you cool with that? Do you think your grandchildren's grandchildren will be cool with that?"
For me that's the bottom line of this mess we created...and still are creating.
I advocate's not worth bringing children into this messed up world. Unlike our generation, they will be joining the fight for survival within their lifetime.
When the sea level starts displacing people, this world is in for serious tension and disruption.

Minor Contribution.
Most Compelling.
My Clay.
More Clicking.
Many Canoes.
Magnificently Created.
Minimize Catastrophe.
Message Came.

I recently watched David Attenborough’s new documentary ”A life on our planet” on Netflix. It was very enlightening but extremely depressing at the same time. It made me feel awful for all the children growing up in this current mess and having to battle the repercussions of the mistakes made by the generations before them.
How does one know if the sea is rising or the land is settling?
Exactly what’s funny about this question? Those of you insisting that you possess the science that tells you exactly how and why the world is warming should be able to answer this question. Some amount of the earth’s interior is expelled as magma. Does that leave an empty hole in the interior, or does some equal volume of the crust collapse into the center, or does the core just become smaller by that volume? That magma which is expelled into the sea, for instance in the Hawaiian underwater mountain building, does the shrinkage of the core equal the increase of seawater displacement as a one-for-one trade off? If so, then the expelled magma on Mauna Loa must also build the land above the sea at the expense of the core below the sea.

All land near the water subsides and when roads near water are rebuilt after 20, 30, or 40 years, they are all raised because the road bed has subsided into the channels near them. Very often they excavate the channel next to the road and pile the spoils on the roadbed, often referred to cut & fill for this purpose and others.

How is the level of the sea and adjacent land measured, now and in yesteryear? Landsat 8 orbits at 438 miles above earth. What is the tolerance it operates at? 1/8 inch is .0000000541” of that distance. If it were able to resolve to an error of 1/8 inch that would be accurate to within 1 ten billionth of an inch. Inasmuch as the seas ebb and flow with tides and winds and are rarely, if ever, calm, how does one resolve to less than 1/8” error? How does one resolve to 1 in 100 billionth to measure 1/8”?

Maybe you know something I don’t. I’m listening...🤔
Those of you insisting that you possess the science that tells you exactly how and why the world is warming should be able to answer this question.

Wrong. All we have to do is defer to the experts in the field, who I can guarantee are more knowledgeable than you, and all of us. And guess what they say?

Even under our present administration NOAA’s website still says sea level is rising. They even mention all of the confounding variables you mention! Imagine that!
How is the level of the sea and adjacent land measured, now and in yesteryear? Landsat 8 orbits at 438 miles above earth. What is the tolerance it operates at? 1/8 inch is .0000000541” of that distance.
It's not that hard. Every time the satellite passes over a given spot (let's say a mile along its path), it can take hundreds of measurements. Every day the satellite takes the same path and takes hundreds of measurements along that mile stretch. These hundreds of measurements per day can be averaged over weeks and months. All of those measurements can also be averaged with the 24,000 other miles worth of measurement data that this satellite is generating. All of these data points can be corrected with tide charts.

What is the tolerance it operates at? 1/8 inch is .0000000541” of that distance. If it were able to resolve to an error of 1/8 inch that would be accurate to within 1 ten billionth of an inch. Inasmuch as the seas ebb and flow with tides and winds and are rarely, if ever, calm, how does one resolve to less than 1/8” error? How does one resolve to 1 in 100 billionth to measure 1/8”?
Anyone with a GPS watch can vouch for the fact that they can detect small movements at least on the order of 5 feet or so. Probably more like 1-2 feet for a good one. But then imagine a few hundred thousand GPS watches all hooked up to a super computer averaging their data. That's how you get data with a margin of error of millimeters.
Pretty sure he’s just trolling but...252D708E-BD27-49D7-90E9-5A69897D9A69.png
Arctic ice sheet.

The Greenland ice sheet has an average thickness of 1500m (0.9miles) and would raise sea levels by 6m metres if melted.

The Antarctic ice sheet is bigger than the USA and mexico combined and averages over 2km (1.25miles) deep. It would raise sea levels by 60 metres if melted.

Comparisons between land ”settling” and ice melting are like comparing being farted on with being dumped on by a fertiliser truck.
Wrong. All we have to do is defer to the experts in the field, who I can guarantee are more knowledgeable than you, and all of us. And guess what they say?

Even under our present administration NOAA’s website still says sea level is rising. They even mention all of the confounding variables you mention! Imagine that!
"...Tide stations around the globe tell us what is happening at a local level—the height of the water as measured along the coast relative to a specific point on land."...
Comparisons between land ”settling” and ice melting are like comparing being farted on with being dumped on by a fertiliser truck.
Thank you. Very adequetly worded where I was just at a loss for words for the level of stupidity of some questions. He was right though. The question wasn't even funny.
And in numbers..

How much volcanic material is produced every year? Here's a few estimates.

Global Production
Global mid-ocean ridge systems (magma and lava): 3 cubic km per year
Continental volcanic systems (magma and lava): 1 cubic km per year

Increasing rates of global warming have accelerated Greenland's ice mass loss from 25 billion tons per year in the 1990s to a current average of 234 billion tons per year.

Lets take 1 tonne of ice = 1000kg = 1 m3 we are talking about 234 cubic kilometres of meltwater from Greenland alone.
Thank you. Very adequetly worded where I was just at a loss for words for the level of stupidity of some questions. He was right though. The question wasn't even funny.
Very true. It always astounds me how people can have such a low understanding of a subject and still have such a strong opinion.
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