Gadgets upon Gadgets = Gimmicks

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Is it just me or did the whole new B-Nut site just get overly complicated for no reason? I mean, what is 90 percent of this stuff and what is it used for, and when am I ever going to possibly use it?

Let me start by saying that majority of the people visiting the site, if they are like me, want to check out new post to see what others have said, whether it be on their thread or someone else's... They want to add comments, perhaps start a new thread and post pictures... That's pretty much it! Yet to do even this very simple tasks is a complete pain. However let me start from the beginning, shall we...

The Home Page...

Now features a " New Profile Post" and the "Shout Box"... Now I sure some here will love the instant
communication, and the fact that Smoke can tell us he is in his pink thong at 4 in the morning working on trees in hi profile post, But really... what are the points of having this? and I am not just saying this from an old codger POV, that I don't like technology, cause I do... These are just more frivolous gimmicks to make people post even less on threads about trees and Bonsai... Let us not forget this is a site about Bonsai isn't?

In the pull down menu, you now have... Watched Forums, Watched Threads, New Post, and Recent Activity.
Now I understand the need to have multiple options in the pull down menu, or else it really would not be a pull down menu would it, if it only had one listing... But the Watched Forums and Thread, is really kinda just useless unless you are one of the compartmentalized individuals who like to have everything organized, or on the flip-side just plain lazy... I mean, is it really that complicated to actually click on the Forums button that is quite literally located right above it and open up the window and pick which out of the first 15 to 20 forums you might want to look at? No one really uses any of the other one's further down the list anyways... Those are what I refer to as the "Hello, I'm Bored Forums", because those are usually the only time anyone is looking at them.

Now the New Posts an Recent Activity buttons are just a bit of redundancy aren't they? I mean you have one that brings up, well kinda brings up new post... it does if they aren't the one's you posted, for some reason??? This button is fine, and probably for most is going to be the most used button on the whole site, seeing that this is a Forum Site overall, and people want to see what others have contributed... They don't however need to see it twice do they? Which in essence is what the Recent Activity button does... It tells you that someone has posted... yet if you would have clicked on the New Post button you would have already found this out.

Sorry, I will have to stop it here for the moment until I can return. I am doing chores getting ready for
the fiesta del conejito, or holiday of the bunny... By the way I am not trying to be insulting here, I just think you added a lot of stuff in the new site, some perhaps useful, some not so much... But in the end what was really needed was just a very simple slimmed down version of what we already had... I mean the whole point is to communicate here... this is what a forum is about. Yet, now there is more that impedes this communication... will continue later, Thanks!
Yup 'different strokes for different people'.
Old codger? I didn't think you were that old yet.
You do raise some good points. I use the Forums button,new posts button and pm or message and the like buttons.
I imagine some of the more computer literate use the other stuff.
At 60 with an extensive background in the Scientific and Computer Industries I still like new features in Forums, Email, Messengers, Programs and more. I do find however most people over 45ish seem to loathe change of any type - especially an Operating System. Just an observation ;)

I understand both your guys comments and would normally agree... However, as a computer literate person who grew up with computers, and have for years made a living off of them whether it be Web design, architectural programs like Auto Cad, Photoshop, Maya and various 3d programs, Twitter, Facebook, Ebay, Etsy, and the list goes on and on... The new setup and alot of it's features are not very user friendly. Not to mention really have little use. I mean, this is not to try and be negative, but the features that are of use on a day in and day out use have become either harder or remained the same with all their inherit problems still there.

This is just my suggestion and feedback, but it would of seemed wise that if one was to try and adopt some of the other communication devices that are out their and available on the web, that more research would of went into them. To see what the pros and cons are of each, what makes them work and what does not, and if they are something that really could of been used in the site.

The instant messaging, does not allow for pictures to be attached as far as I am aware of, is not really any more instant than replies from the normal forum, and other than to sing songs with, as has been done before, really when one thinks about it serves little purpose. While things like posting pictures on threads are cumbersome.

Not trying to necessarily knock the new setup... I just think more planning into everyday use perhaps was lacking. I also know that perhaps this is not what one would like to hear, seeing some of the recent posts that have been made, but I really do think one should examine sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. And see how they are doing things, seeing that whether one likes it or not, they most certainly are direct competition to this site and the subtainbility to it long term.
Just my feedback for what it is worth...
Change comes. Period. We live with it. Then, we take advantage of those parts of change that we like and (if we can) ignore those we don't like.

I'm 78 and sick. Change is a daily event for me. I "live" with it.

The changes here are immaterial and picayune. I ignore most.
At 60 with an extensive background in the Scientific and Computer Industries I still like new features in Forums, Email, Messengers, Programs and more. I do find however most people over 45ish seem to loathe change of any type - especially an Operating System. Just an observation ;)

Good thing I am only 44!
You use what you need. Ignore the rest.
Good Day

* as you age, stability and non-change are aspects of life that keep you sane.
A new mall [ do we really need more shops selling same same ?] is being built across the road from me, I can't see it due to the shape of the hills, but so many mosquitoes, when used to have none or very few.
Puddles of excavation every where.
Sigh , Change.

Facebook was charged with interferring with peoples lives, some months ago.
Change comes. Period. We live with it. Then, we take advantage of those parts of change that we like and (if we can) ignore those we don't like.

I'm 78 and sick. Change is a daily event for me. I "live" with it.
Yes, and I am all for change, always have been! Sometimes in change however, you take 2 steps backward.
You use what you need. Ignore the rest.
Good Day

* as you age, stability and non-change are aspects of life that keep you sane.
A new mall [ do we really need more shops selling same same ?] is being built across the road from me, I can't see it due to the shape of the hills, but so many mosquitoes, when used to have none or very few.
Puddles of excavation every where.
Sigh , Change.

Facebook was charged with interferring with peoples lives, some months ago.
Yes, but see this is the whole point of this forum, to give Feedback and Suggestions. .. I believe the Live With The Change forum is further down, by the Sticks in Pots Forum.
To be 44 again. And that was only 7 years ago for me. Now I don't know if anybody has had the talk with you or not but your body is going to change in the years to come. Just like before when you were young the first sign will be hair growing out of strange places.
To be 44 again. And that was only 7 years ago for me. Now I don't know if anybody has had the talk with you or not but your body is going to change in the years to come. Just like before when you were young the first sign will be hair growing out of strange places.
Now, that's funny!
Sorry, I was trying to instantly respond, kinda like an instant message, but for some strange reason, this site has always had a problem remembering I am signed on only when I talk about constructive criticism... haven't yet figured out why? Have had to sign on like 15 times in the past minute.
I worked in software development for a while, developing user interfaces for scientific data. We always had to be careful of "feature creep" which was when we (developers) created features that we thought were "cool", but that the actual users didn't really need (facebook users will know what I'm talking about). I'd say the new forum has a fair bit of "feature creep". That said, I don't really find it any more difficult to do most of the stuff I was doing before the update.
I'm a whole 29 years old and I find myself more in the 50+ range when it comes to most things; children making noise, people on my property, and anything to do with electronics (phones, computers, etc...). So it's certainly not age, mostly personal preference for simplicity and an appreciation of a time long gone.
I would have to agree with you Coh...
What I was trying to get at with this thread is the old rule of keeping it simple stupid... obviously by this i mean no insult,
But rather a solution to the problems I see in the hopes that they may create a better site.

It would seem to me that the whole goal of the Bnut site is to discuss and communicate about Bonsai. To post comments, questions, ideas and work that is being done on trees. So in essence, this is the product of the site.

With the new format this product now seems to be spread over to many spots. Which in my opinion, just leaves the viewer wondering where to go and what to do... I also understand that not everyone will look at the site the same way and will instead find areas that are of more interest to them than others. So, I think the need to have other areas is important. But, still feel the main product of the site should be fore most.

So, from my personal opinion, I would make the following suggestions, and would put priority to the following...

1. Recent post... I think that for most here this is what keeps us coming back, we want to see what is up and what everyone is saying and doing.

2 Pictures Posted on recent posts... this is an idea that I am offering free of charge here, but I personally think it would be awesome if somehow when recent posts are made, that include photos, that somehow they are also available in the recent posts as thumbnails... Nothing grabs one's attention like a photo, and not only would this gain interest in people's threads that have no views because people see that no one has viewed it, then when one opens it up, you see some cool tree and wonder why... but also, I personally think it might encourage others to post more pics of trees if they see that those being seen more are the ones with pictures. Don't know how many times I have opened up a thread cause it had a lot of views and wondered why? So, in the list of recent posts as part of every listing, if the post includes pics there one would see thumbnails, that could be clicked on and they could view without having to open up the thread if they wanted to.

If a thread has alot of pics, the most recent couple would be attached. Also, while I am here... when one opens up a pic, perhaps there could be some options at the bottom, like see other pictures that this poster has posted, and one could have a bottom scroll of them. As well as a button that one could click to see the thread that the pictures were posted in. Other options could be here like, become friends, like, follow this poster, even external links to personal and business websites, linking this site with a greater community. As well posters could attach links on their personal or business websites back. Etc.

In essence changing the way one could interact with the whole site to one with a more visual interface. Making pictures more than words top priority. This would also eliminate alot of issues... such as what should I do with this tree, even though I have not attached any pics. People who have actually took the time to photograph their tree, their pictures would actually be seen, making their time worth it. And did one actually look at the picture, before posting, and are we all know talking about the same tree. Also, might cut down on the negative content one visually posts if those images have to be attached to someone who might be viewing your profile pics.

3. Instant conversations... let me just say that with all the comments posted shortly after I posted this thread, I think it could have not been much more instant, but OK... with this why not have an instant messenger, where besides one's name where the green bubble appears saying this person is online, on could click a button and start up an instant chat with them, where a separate window opens up. Private messages could be handled this way , but one could always continue to leave a message if not on line. Also, you could still have comment forum on the side if folks think this is valuable, if not put it next to the tea room, and just have a section who shows who is in there.

Lastly, I would have to put events... I mean I think it would be cool if there was some way of notify people especially if an event was this up coming weekend, and perhaps a notification that event was created... but do I really need to read about Noelanders, every time I come to this site? Especially seeing that it is already over? Nothing against the event, I think it is awesome, and would love and hopefully one day will attend... but, anyone slightly involved with the bonsai community is probably aware of these events happening, not to mention then folks post threads about them... For me I just don't think this takes top priority on a site where the product is the communication about bonsai, and feel this info could be on a tab on the side.

Sorry, not trying to insult here.. all about the constructive criticism. ..
I am involved in a gaming company, and when we update a game, or alter the forum, or rules, some negative feedback always follows... Eventually people forget tho :) I just ignore what I dont need haha.
Awesome! Thanks, Perhaps I will just post pictures of my trees on there then. This way I will not have to take the time to create a thread.
Is it just me or did the whole new B-Nut site just get overly complicated for no reason? I mean, what is 90 percent of this stuff and what is it used for, and when am I ever going to possibly use it?

Let me start by saying that majority of the people visiting the site, if they are like me, want to check out new post to see what others have said, whether it be on their thread or someone else's... They want to add comments, perhaps start a new thread and post pictures... That's pretty much it! Yet to do even this very simple tasks is a complete pain. However let me start from the beginning, shall we...

The Home Page...

Now features a " New Profile Post" and the "Shout Box"... Now I sure some here will love the instant
communication, and the fact that Smoke can tell us he is in his pink thong at 4 in the morning working on trees in hi profile post, But really... what are the points of having this? and I am not just saying this from an old codger POV, that I don't like technology, cause I do... These are just more frivolous gimmicks to make people post even less on threads about trees and Bonsai... Let us not forget this is a site about Bonsai isn't?

In the pull down menu, you now have... Watched Forums, Watched Threads, New Post, and Recent Activity.
Now I understand the need to have multiple options in the pull down menu, or else it really would not be a pull down menu would it, if it only had one listing... But the Watched Forums and Thread, is really kinda just useless unless you are one of the compartmentalized individuals who like to have everything organized, or on the flip-side just plain lazy... I mean, is it really that complicated to actually click on the Forums button that is quite literally located right above it and open up the window and pick which out of the first 15 to 20 forums you might want to look at? No one really uses any of the other one's further down the list anyways... Those are what I refer to as the "Hello, I'm Bored Forums", because those are usually the only time anyone is looking at them.

Now the New Posts an Recent Activity buttons are just a bit of redundancy aren't they? I mean you have one that brings up, well kinda brings up new post... it does if they aren't the one's you posted, for some reason??? This button is fine, and probably for most is going to be the most used button on the whole site, seeing that this is a Forum Site overall, and people want to see what others have contributed... They don't however need to see it twice do they? Which in essence is what the Recent Activity button does... It tells you that someone has posted... yet if you would have clicked on the New Post button you would have already found this out.

Sorry, I will have to stop it here for the moment until I can return. I am doing chores getting ready for
the fiesta del conejito, or holiday of the bunny... By the way I am not trying to be insulting here, I just think you added a lot of stuff in the new site, some perhaps useful, some not so much... But in the end what was really needed was just a very simple slimmed down version of what we already had... I mean the whole point is to communicate here... this is what a forum is about. Yet, now there is more that impedes this communication... will continue later, Thanks!

What you are missing is the most important part of the update- the site is more interactive now. It is NOT JUST A FORUM any more. There are places people can post articles, the shout box is another spot people can interact, check for updates, the pics are easier to post FROM A LAPTOP, damn near impossible from an iPad IMO, which is a pain to me- but overall what the changes have done is invite MORE activity from people to keep people on the site longer which means more people see more posts faster and it leads to more replies. Instead of being a Forum you can visit and within 5 seconds see if there is an update (which generally there were few), this is a website you can take some time to explore, utilize the multiple options, check your updates, send messages or post public messages on someone's page... There are more options, there is more activity and it is a much improved site overall. There are a few quirks that can be a bit annoying, but compared to the old site it is a huge improvement.
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