Elm Root Cuttings

I messed with mine to early before.
Let em get pretty big before decisions.

If you're going for a broom, I'd keep the smallest shoots. If a new lead, the strongest one.


A mame broom is the plan, thanks for the tip

So I should start bud selection in a few weeks before they get too thick and cause bulge right ?
Wow your way behind. Let shoots grow to about 45 cm then cut back to keepers. For you that may be July!
Wow your way behind. Let shoots grow to about 45 cm then cut back to keepers. For you that may be July!
Thanks Smoke, I appreciate the tip

In case you missed my previous post I am looking for a way to avoid bulge on a future mame broom, any tips to add to the what Mike said ?

Thanks Smoke, I appreciate the tip

In case you missed my previous post I am looking for a way to avoid bulge on a future mame broom, any tips to add to the what Mike said ?

Growing from root cuttings is not much of a problem with the bulging. It is when trunk chops are done after the growing season with chops after the branches have grown out. The callus grows way too fast after the tree leafs out. root cuttings have nothing and are in the process of turning into an above the ground plant so the same thing that makes an elm buge above ground seem to be missing from the roots.
Buds are just opening on trees around here. Spring is right on time here. Late.
If I only had your growing season.
I don't see any sprouts on mine...i have no idea what I did wrong...maybe I should soak them next time
I don't see any sprouts on mine...i have no idea what I did wrong...maybe I should soak them next time
when did you do them ? maybe just wait a bit longer??
about 3 weeks ago i took them
I 'd say wait longer, keep taking care of them

Smoke said it takes about 60 days for the new shots to show, mine was taken on April 1st and still doesn't have any shots, just some green shades showing on the cut
I successfully did a Washington Hawthorn this way so yes it can be done.

I have a sneaking suspicion that hornbeam may grow from root cuttings. A lot of them I looked at are sprouts from roots from other trees.
I'll find out next year. All digging has officially ceased here for this year.
Thank God!
about 3 weeks ago i took them
Yeah like they said, just have some patience.

I was starting to get antsy myself.... Planted mine the first of April and I am happy to stay I noticed my first green on the tops of them Today! 3 out of the four pots of root cuttings already had at least one cutting showing some tiny little green cabbages sprouting. Real happy to see it, especially after all my joking around about how indestructible the root cuttings are!

I cannot believe the growth I am getting from a Winged Elm Root cutting I made last year! Went outside today and... The two branches I am letting run to thicken them up, I swear they grew almost a foot over the last week alone it seems like. I was shocked when I looked at it today!

Regardless... Thanks Al for making this thread and bringing this to my mind at the perfect time as I was repotting my Chinese Elm! I think I am going from a one Chinese Elm owner to a half dozen+ in one season... And one of the cuttings had a HUGE base! Almost two inches across I think. Talk about a jump start to a nice tree! It is gently curving as it leaves the ground too... If the branches will form at a decent angle (and I should be able to find at least one that does!), I oughta get a real nice tree from that big one soon..
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