Eastern Redbud: Cornfed Edition


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I saw a cool post from Rocky Mtn Bonsai on the Eastern Redbud, so I decided to give Cercis Canadensis a shot.

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It was propagated from seed last year. I bought it in a one-gallon pot with 80% pine bark. I potted it on 4/24/2021.


Lots of fine roots here.


Pattern is radial. Nice.

Potting day and photo shoot day (5/1).

I'm using a kitchen-sink blend as a substrate. I ultimately need 50+gallons of substrate to up-pot my newly acquired trees, so using up as much of the material I have recently purchased for my soil tests was beneficial. I tweaked my soil from the previous trees I planted, removing the fine particles (fine sphagnum peat moss and #1 Grit) to increase the saturated porosity. The mix was 3:3:2:2, sifted pine bark, Turface, DE and #2 Grit.

I tested the soil's mechanical properties at 38% Saturated Porosity (air-filled space), and 25% Field Capacity (water-filled space) after draining. Hopefully it will work, because conventional substrates are difficult to find.

I will be posting separate threads for my other species that I got in pots.
I’m interested as well!
Moved into a new house with a decent sized one out front. I like the low growing habit.
The neighbor says it’s very pretty in spring.
So I’m excited to see.672D851F-AC30-415F-86AE-7D746B493A17.jpeg
I've tried these a few times without success. Hope you've done better. If so, let us know any secrets!
I dont know the american Cercis but I worked with Cercis siliquastrum, they dont like root work too much, neither prunning big branches, the small twigs can die easy and fine ramification is hard to obtain. Not the easiest for bonsai
Oh yeah. It didn't have a great year. Had some splotching on the leaves that I believe was an iron deficiency.

It is sleeping now. But I plan to bring it back out on the bench and use a more acidic fertilizing regimine for this year.

I'm not sure this species is going to make the cut for me. It might get planted at the farm for a couple years to see how it does.
If you plant a redbud in the ground it will be very hard to move it within a year or two unless the roots are somewhat constrained, or unless it gets regular root pruning. Except as a seedling, they are nearly impossible to dig Even on a 6 foot tall wild tree, the feeder roots can be several feet from the trunk. I live in redbud country. We have about 8 acres and thousands of redbuds. Seriously, there are far too many to count. In a couple of weeks the under-story woods at my house will glow magenta pink. It is the most celebrated time of the year for us.
I live in redbud country. We have about 8 acres and thousands of redbuds. Seriously, there are far too many to count. In a couple of weeks the under-story woods at my house will glow magenta pink. It is the most celebrated time of the year for us.
Ever tried one as a bonsai?

This is an experimental tree for me. I have no expectation that it will or won't work.

Some info from past thread. 😀
Ever tried one as a bonsai?
I have not. I did dig a couple but they both died.
Some day I will probably do one but I will aim for a larger bonsai due to the huge leaves.
Good one year growth. Interesting tree. If wanting trunk movement suggest to move on wire very soon;).
I have a small one posted before. I put it in the grow bed for a year in a colander and it took off. The next spring I dug it to find one huge tap root had escaped. I cut it back and nearly killed the poor thing. @penumbra is right about the roots. We'll see what happens this spring as I planted a second in a pond basket in the same bed. Good luck w/yours.
I have a redbud sapling I dug in 2019 and put in a pot. It seems to like the situation but I know it needs a root trimming. Very interested to find out when you did a root trimming and the results.
Also just started to trim branches and wire wrap to see the results. Not sure how long to leave the wire on and not scar the bark. Any help and advice appreciated.PXL_20220609_190941734.jpg
Root prune in late winter / early spring before bud break. Not sure where you are but this is appropriate if you live where redbuds grow.
Wire removal is a visual thing. You need to watch constantly. As soon as it starts to bite in take it off. I prefer to cut it off but others unwrap the wire.
Root prune in late winter / early spring before bud break. Not sure where you are but this is appropriate if you live where redbuds grow.
Wire removal is a visual thing. You need to watch constantly. As soon as it starts to bite in take it off. I prefer to cut it off but others unwrap the wire.
I will keep a close eye on the wire process. And look to a repotting and check of the roots in the spring. Thanks.
It would help if you put your location in your profile. You can see almost everyone does as it helps to direct the best information possible. I am guessing PA. VA, WV or NC.
@penumbra, have you tried airlayering Eastern redbud?
I have not. We have literally hundreds, maybe thousands of them on our land.
I have never even dug one up.
Years back (40 years) I tried to dig some but the roots on these things travel out quite a ways before forming feeder roots.
I have not. We have literally hundreds, maybe thousands of them on our land.
I have never even dug one up.
Years back (40 years) I tried to dig some but the roots on these things travel out quite a ways before forming feeder roots.
Thanks! I wonder if those roots can be tamed.
Ours has a ton of wild crossing branches.
Here is one I’m trying. It’s Straight jamming up against another branch 502F334A-5161-4AFA-9CD6-F5E556965D4F.jpeg61093B3D-C179-4C18-809E-1237C560466A.jpeg
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