One last thing, then I'm done here.

How in the F did you find Eastern Leaf? It's not a florist--which is what you're comparing it to.

A single look at the home page and its pretty obvious it really doesn't cater to the floral market, say like FTD or 1800flowers... Which BTW, offers satsuki azalea bonsai too, also pictured in flower. You have to scroll down for more info, but here's their disclaimer:

  • Satsuki Azalea bonsai features glossy green leaves and vibrant pink blooms
  • Arrives in bud form during the months of April, May, September & October
  • May arrive without buds or blooms during the months of January, February, March, June, July, August, November & December
  • With the proper care, bonsai will bloom profusely in April and May and again in September and October

There aren't ANY listings from what I can find on Eastern Leaf that push flowers as a primary product. It is bonsai-specific. Satsukis are pictured both in flower and not...

Also why vent here? It's an odd place for someone who isn't a bonsai person to wind up. You got a larger agenda of some sort, I mean beyond just the whining?
An excerpt from:
"The Paradox of Our Age", His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama;
"We have more degrees, but less sense;
more knowledge, but less judgement"
and :
"It's a time when there is much in the window,
but nothing in the room."

Remind you of anyone?

BTW, I don't not have any degrees. When I went to college I was not looking for a degree. I was 40 and I already had a career and I had a family to take care of. I took every horticulture class that was offered for as long as was possible.

I hope Terry from Mars is gone and I wish him / her no ill will, but it would be best if he / she left the planet.
HE / SHE is a poster child for "The Paradox of Our Age"
An excerpt from:
"The Paradox of Our Age", His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

In cases like this, I try to work on my compassion muscle.

The OP bought something that they had hoped was going to be a beautiful, lasting gift. What they received did not meet their expectations - and they ended up feeling deeply disappointed instead of happy.

Now whether or not we agree that that they "should have read the fine print", I think we are coming at it from a uniquely bonsai perspective where we all know the seasonal patterns of growth, and would not have expected to receive a flowering azalea in August. But compassion says we have all been there and there are times when you just say "I feel your pain". That said, I don't think it is fair to throw Eastern Leaf under the bus, either. It is an unfortunate lose/lose. They obviously aren't in business to disappoint their customers. Going forward they might want to include photos of a sample tree without the blooms - to make sure people understand what the plant will look like 11 out of 12 months of the year.
I am in strong agreement with you my friend. It is unfortunate that the OP missed the whole disappointed stage and went straight to rage.
When people are unbalanced they cannot readily understand what "happy" means. They therefore vent their spleen and spread venom.
In any event, they OP brought nothing positive here, and it really had almost nothing to do with bonsai. The lashing out and name calling towards members who I call friends I find intolerable.
Yea I get it too but rather than understand where they went wrong, the OP chose to exude a superiority complex and go on and on ad nauseum.
Yea I get it too but rather than understand where they went wrong, the OP chose to exude a superiority complex and go on and on ad nauseum.

I don't think anyone would argue that a site like Eastern Leaf shouldn't post photos of the actual trees they are sending out. I know I would ask for one before ordering. But then again, I don't have a Mensa card.

Speaking of which - I can't recall a single time in my life where someone played the "Mensa Card" in person, but I've now seen it a bunch of times on various bonsai forums. It is always accompanied by some pretty obnoxious behavior. Playing the Mensa card seems to be a way of justifying treating others like crap. I don't know whether these people are actually Mensa members but if so, perhaps Mensa needs to revisit their membership criteria.

As for the OP...sure he has some (key word, he is still at fault for not reading the fine print) right to be upset and if he's in a stressful situation I can understand the frustration and anger. But come on, people here were pretty nice in their responses and he just went completely off the rails. No excuse for that, Mensa or not.
I blocked the OP yesterday, but still see this thread heading the posts before I log in, so...

What if we had a "safe word" to flag trolls and off-the-rails ranters, so folks don't get drawn into posting on a thread, and it goes dormant sooner?

When I was a kid, my elder cousins used to bait crows by setting a big stuffed owl on a fencepost in an open field -- attracted crows by the dozen, drove them crazy -- (and then of course my charming cousins shot as many as they could)

So "stuffed owl" as a steer-off?
Soooo…. Until proven otherwise…. My armchair diagnosis/opinion is that the OP is a troll, nothing more or less. Either that, or the OP has a lithium deficiency.
Could be...
Of course not. Why would he be trolling around? Probably in a mental hospital with his phone.
I think it has been interesting and a little depressing as well. I say we let it die and hope that Terry from Mars gets his / her act together. I mean, who wants to live in that kind of hell.
I'm betting he/she will be back later tonight to remind us all how inferior we are.

If that happens, I make no promises to stay silent. It's just too much fun to troll the troll and watch them melt down further.
I hope that this lovely martian with a psychological disorder recovers soon. @TERRYMARS get well soon!

Happy screaming,
Chinese Elm
Soooo…. Until proven otherwise…. My armchair diagnosis/opinion is that the OP is a troll, nothing more or less. Either that, or the OP has a lithium deficiency.
I can hear it now… A guy caught speeding in his Tesla… When the cop asks why he was driving so fast, he can claim his car has a “lithium deficiency”!
When the cop asks why he was driving so fast, he can claim his car has a “lithium deficiency”!
Oh, I get it... Martians can shapeshift! No wonder he can be a mental human, a person and a car!
I think whether this dies depends on our buddy Terry.
If he/she comes back and attacks people again, it wont
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