I can provide everything there..
THIS forum is the only
place I share my work!
I spent my first ceramic year, digging and processing local clays and really gaining an intimate, organic understanding of body chemistry.. I also fabricated my first kiln attempts.. failing.. painstakingly/but fascinatingly for that whole year. REALLY spending "bare-bones" time...gaining an intimate, organic understanding of "fire".
@sorce , who had been mentoring me, throughout this time.. and strongly encouraged my "nature boy" learning style when it came to UNDERSTANDING ceramics, eventually offered me a great gift...
It wasn't JUST the kiln.. or the box of assorted high-fire clay bodies (until this point., all I could dig locally was low-fire yellow earthenwares...
It (the entire gesture and conversation) was essentially... my..
Step-stool.. into the "real clay" world.
I have, a thread documenting the BEGINNING-through-this point... it's... entertaining.
I ALSO... have a thread, documenting my entire journey with Higher-fire clay...
It's a better thread.
It starts last June.. a crude tangent of immaculate. ;) I thought, for (mostly) my own sanity, I would start another thread documenting my work with Stoneware... from the beginning.. much like my low-fire thread. After some work... I have my FIRST EVER STONEWARE “LOAD”.. ready for the heat. I feel like I...
But other than THAT.. and the various threads still existing from me selling pieces in the "selling forum" and pieces that went out as BNut contest prizes... THIS place is my only ceramic "footprint"