Cold greenhouse drip trays...

I would never have considered glass myself in a cold application, both for the temperature reasons and for the fact that plastic is so much cheaper. Aluminum pie plates are also a good idea.

Exactly...but I had them around the house. Just realized the two wouldn't work when the wind hit. Glad I realized it before I needed them for cold weather.
The benches are slatted, is there a way to add drainage under the benches? I wouldnt want water on the floor either, just for comfort while working.
The benches are slatted, is there a way to add drainage under the benches? I wouldnt want water on the floor either, just for comfort while working.

One could do that...but I am a bit OCD and am not sure I could handle it. Though with the comments given...I looked about and found plastic totes and such to hold most. (Very small collection) I have two still outdoors that I need to bring in, but had no trays for them. But these ones got watered one last time outside and fungicide treatments prior to putting them away. Thanks for all the sound advice.

It was beautiful out Saturday great day for preparing winter and putting things away...


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It looks really nice in there!

It looks really nice in there!


Thanks! It was nice having to not share it with the hot tub like last winter. (Housed my now dead juniper along with yard accents. Much tidier now...) I now know to monitor the temps when we have warmer winter days. Though...honestly not sure that was it. It was producing new growth once winter passed...I think it was the rain come spring...and not being in bonsai soil. It was so soggy...and the roots smelled once a goner.
How cold does it get in there. Just curious. Nice setup, wish i had something like that.

excellent. very well thoughout.kudos to you.


Thanks, much assistance here as to helping me figure things out...though my husband spoke with an electrician buddy of his to make sure what we needed...then contacted the light store in town. They had some trouble finding a thermostat that went that low. But, our electrician friend said...they had them. (Which we all know here they do) Just wanted to not order it online this time round.

But since the room was wired for a hot tub. We had the right wire ran in there to attach the heater. So I lucked out with not much need of major wiring. Basically just the thermostat and heater wired in to remaining electrical.

Though I won't go to the details of how my skills as an assistant went. Let's just husband must truly love me to have not checked my neck size. Trust me...just when he thought I couldn't goof up again...I went and proofed him wrong. I seem to not know how to use a tester. need to push a button to make it work. Yup...went through the entire breaker panel...frustrated that the tester never beeped. How was I to know...I had to hold in a button. We won't discuss the one that didn't need a button pushed...and I still didn't get it right...because I forgot to then push the button on the Walkie talkie when I told him it was on. Oh wait...I believe I just told on myself. :p

On my behalf...I was going through a time I wasn't able to sleep. Getting if lucky 3 hours a night. mind wandered to say the least.
Hoping to get up to get some boot trays though...just for a more uniform look. But the store is so far away...and I'm not sure where the store is located so I need my husband to go along with me. (His old stomping grounds since he grew up in that area) He mentioned this next weekend hopefully. At least for the ones on the floor.
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I'd probably just get some humidity trays for each pot. I wouldnt let water sit in the tray, just use it as a drip tray.

Water the trees over a bucket, or something, so they can drain without making a mess.
I'd probably just get some humidity trays for each pot. I wouldnt let water sit in the tray, just use it as a drip tray.

Water the trees over a bucket, or something, so they can drain without making a mess.

Thinking of keeping the totes and watering them in them. Then later removing them and sitting them on a tray. Is the plan. The ones potted in actual bonsai pots can easily have individual humidity trays...the nursery pots...won't be in them long term. So I am unsure about the expense for later down the road for humidity trays for those.
Hoping to get up to get some boot trays though...just for a more uniform look. But the store is so far away...and I'm not sure where the store is located so I need my husband to go along with me. (His old stomping grounds since he grew up in that area) He mentioned this next weekend hopefully. At least for the ones on the floor.

I suggested those trays for several reasons. One is they have a raised pattern in them which will keeps any pots slightly raised. I also liked they are 30 inches wide and know you have wider cascade type plants. In addition they are easy to clean and look nice - the key being look nice which I thought you would be happy with. Gratz on the rebuild by the way - The Hubby did a pro job as usual and your perception of nice is easy on the eyes.

I suggested those trays for several reasons. One is they have a raised pattern in them which will keeps any pots slightly raised. I also liked they are 30 inches wide and know you have wider cascade type plants. In addition they are easy to clean and look nice - the key being look nice which I thought you would be happy with. Gratz on the rebuild by the way - The Hubby did a pro job as usual and your perception of nice is easy on the eyes.


Thanks again for the suggestion of those trays...plans for road trip come this Saturday! Thanks for explaining the trays bottom. Makes even more sense now.

Thanks for your kind words as well on the rebuild...been thinking of you as well...not seen you posting. Figured you were up to your elbows getting everything underway for winter. Tweaking the new place and all...
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