Break dormancy on purpose?

That my friend is a whole 'nother animal and makes complete sense.
Yeah, the original idea was more out of necessity and not having a climate controlled 30-40 degree space.
Yeah, the original idea was more out of necessity and not having a climate controlled 30-40 degree space.
I am working on an unheated structure now over my basement steps for my poms and a few other things. It should track about zone 8 when finished.
I wonder if you grew under heavy LED the internodes wouldn’t be as much of an issue.

Or if you wanted to just grow out a piece to get more growth not really caring about internodes at the time if it would work better. I.e letting it run wild to just get more rough growth.

Thanks for the replies making for a fun read
I don’t have problems with long internodes under my supplemental lighting, and I’ve had them in there some years almost to the hardening off stage.
Very interesting that you’re trying to experiment with this. I would be interested in the longevity of it. I bet they pull through just fine but it’d be interesting to see if if you took a few and did it this year then the next year left one the full dormancy and broke 3, then the next year broke 2 etc. to see if it does really hurt their health or not?
Well they woke up so that is a plus.
I wonder if you grew under heavy LED the internodes wouldn’t be as much of an issue.

Or if you wanted to just grow out a piece to get more growth not really caring about internodes at the time if it would work better. I.e letting it run wild to just get more rough growth.

Thanks for the replies making for a fun read
Blue spectrum or enhanced leds are the way to go for compact growth…….I use 4000k all the time as they are strong in the blue.
As long as they are blue enhanced veg lights your good.

It seems best really to just let nature run its course UNLESS you can provide the conditions for quality growth without any stresses……75-80f———40-60% humidity—— a lite breeze……. If one of these are missing it’s just not worth the time ……to me anyway.

I do this all the time obviously.
I start trees over winter to sell in spring.
I get an absolutely ridiculous headstart on the season.
I have 1 foot tall pine trees by autumn of that year by starting them first week of January in a CO2 fertilized growtent😄

Also starting seedlings of any deciduous tree is good three months early,but my favorite is to leave them to the natural cycles of the outdoor seasons…. except very slow growing species like Burning Bush which I’m trying to really build a stockpile of ,so after 1000 hours of dormancy on these first year cuttings I put them in the CO2 fertilized tent a couple weeks ago to break into growth three months early to see if I can get extra girth in the trunks.
I don’t really expect more than one push from these as they normally do not push more than one growth extension, but a whole three months of CO2 fertilization can definitely get the trunk girth bigger. I have seen this happen with just the tiniest seedlings sitting there photosynthesizing and building energy reserves…………….experimentation.D9D6A4EC-B07F-4BDF-BCD5-7F0C92C22191.jpegFDA4093D-ECAA-4BA3-B297-478B671F2A3E.jpeg6D84D016-7946-463E-B54E-6A131DBCA8CF.jpeg3FD81CC2-24A2-4D39-8A20-EF30C07CA216.jpeg
Dang Nice!!! I have about 5 inch or so tall cherry trees in under my lights. Love the write up and will read more on what you spoke about!
Blue spectrum or enhanced leds are the way to go for compact growth…….I use 4000k all the time as they are strong in the blue.
As long as they are blue enhanced veg lights your good.

It seems best really to just let nature run its course UNLESS you can provide the conditions for quality growth without any stresses……75-80f———40-60% humidity—— a lite breeze……. If one of these are missing it’s just not worth the time ……to me anyway.

I do this all the time obviously.
I start trees over winter to sell in spring.
I get an absolutely ridiculous headstart on the season.
I have 1 foot tall pine trees by autumn of that year by starting them first week of January in a CO2 fertilized growtent😄

Also starting seedlings of any deciduous tree is good three months early,but my favorite is to leave them to the natural cycles of the outdoor seasons…. except very slow growing species like Burning Bush which I’m trying to really build a stockpile of ,so after 1000 hours of dormancy on these first year cuttings I put them in the CO2 fertilized tent a couple weeks ago to break into growth three months early to see if I can get extra girth in the trunks.
I don’t really expect more than one push from these as they normally do not push more than one growth extension, but a whole three months of CO2 fertilization can definitely get the trunk girth bigger. I have seen this happen with just the tiniest seedlings sitting there photosynthesizing and building energy reserves…………….experimentation.View attachment 468917View attachment 468918View attachment 468919View attachment 468921
great results.... i assume your using a greenhouse for that level of humidity..... btw what's …75-80f mean?
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