Bonsai theft trial

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I’ve known of a few bonsai tree thefts in Vietnam. Bonsai trees are a part of almost all households. Most trees, my trees, were chained to an immovable object with the chain around the trunk….whether the trees were on the ground level or on a higher balcony or roof. Sort of ruins the view of the tree, but most observers would mention that a chain is needed. The trees stolen did not have chains. The police investigate, however, with so many tree locations, in so many cities, the stolen tree is seldom recovered. A chain might not deter the theft a prized bonsai totally but it does discourage trying. Dogs help.

In Vietnam, before and after Lunar New Year, there are bonsai tree sale areas set up all over the cities. A lot of people just rent trees for a time around and for the festivity week.
You can't find a Trump voter as a barber in Kentucky and gently voice your disagreement with them. But you can find me here, go out of your way, on a bonsai forum, and call me toxic.

You are a spineless hypocritical coward. The worst type of person.

We just have some very bad people here, on our little bonsai forum. Rotten people. And they need to be called out.

And what Desert O'Piñon just said, is also factually incorrect. But the jeer with how they are voicing it, shows they are 100% bad faith and there's no point in even correcting these people anymore. They need to be shown the door.
I didn't go out of my way, you show up in threads then your talk degenerates the thread into the Glaucus show. You want to talk about hypocrisy then immediately talk about the way someone jeers and voices their opinion, that's the exact point I was making about you. You are dogmatic, you expect everyone to agree with you but degenerate to name calling and degrade the people of this forum. "Rotten people"? The only Rotten person I've seen here is you Glaucus. Telling anyone who disagrees with you to leave the forum??? Maybe you should start your own political bonsai forum, see how many people want to join you there, because you obviously have a hard time getting along with others.

I'm not approving or disapproving of your views, I am here saying they are not appropriate in this forum. You are openly asking members to get lost. I do not care about the political affiliations of anyone on this forum, or yours, every time I click on a recent thread. My problem with you Glaucus has absolutely nothing to do with your politics, but the fact you are literally telling members here who don't align with you to get lost. I love all of these folks regardless of their beliefs, and when you try your best to get them to leave this forum I take it personal. I hope you don't have children, I can only imagine what happens to them when they disagree with you or they have a belief that isn't yours.

You don't seem to understand America at all. We get along with others who happen to not share every single belief with us. We can even talk about politics usually without name calling. One of my very good friends is a former state representative and his political beliefs are polar opposite of my own, and guess what, we can talk about politics, and do often. We don't start calling each other names! We don't tell each other to leave and never come back. I know, amazing right? I guess we all grew up with freedom here, and believe that we all have the right to believe or do whatever we want, so long as it doesn't harm others.

Grow some humility, and a little love goes a long way Glaucus.
I'll try to be more racist and disgusting then, so I can also be 'friends' with everyone here, and farm the likes.

This isn't about politics. Or about America. America isn't like this. It is some of the people here. And it is always the same ones. You people make me want to puke!
I'll try to be more racist and disgusting then, so I can also be 'friends' with everyone here, and farm the likes.

This isn't about politics. Or about America. America isn't like this. It is some of the people here. And it is always the same ones. You people make me want to puke!
It isn't about America? If you look back at your original reply, you fully made it about America and how all but 2.1 percent of us are foreigners. You're the one who made it about race because you are constantly looking to pick a fight in this forum. Many of us Americans have Native American ancestors. 4 generations ago, my great grandmother was the first white woman chief. So what you're saying is anyone not pure blooded Native is still a foreigner.

I'm sure you're ancestors were originally from Europe as well.
This was about bonsai theft. One guy said the police don't do a thing about bonsai theft. And I posted sources that show the opposite. That person also said 'I may be called a 1950s racist, but all the problems in Japan are because of foreigners'.
And that person got 10+ likes. I got zero for correcting the false info. I didn't call anyone names. I just called it a 'lie' because we have been here 5+ before.

Yes, I did not forget. And yes, Trump wants to deport American citizens, as long as it is 'legal'. includes some of you brave racists:

Yes, it turns out many people attacking me here are Americans. So yes, then it becomes relevant that they are actually foreigners in their own country, at risk of deportation.

If 10 degenerate asshole bullies come after be, I'll slap you right back with facts and logic. It was Gabler who made this thing personal once again. You people love this drama. Because it is 1 vs 15.
And yes you also always show up. And you pretend to be a diplomat and a moderate. You are were trying to come after me personally all the time. Always. For no reason at all.
If you had ANY SPINE and ANY SENSE, you'd take my side and say I was right. But you don't. Because you agree with the racism. You love it!
I haven't forgotten last time where you claimed to be a Democrat who can't talk about politics in Kentucky. That was pathetic and that's why I call it out. But you can come go after me personally. Such a big hero you are!

And you know that Greg will side with you. Because he has similar views. If we had a sensible moderator here, I wouldn't have to do this hard on you.
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I'm praying for you.
This is the right attitude. Thank you for the indirect reminder of who I want to be. I may or may not agree with you politically. That doesn't matter. We're all human, including Glaucus, and I want my words and actions to reflect a love for all man, but I usually fall short. So now I pick myself up and try again. 👍🏻

But another thread has decayed again, so I will be perusing others for useful information...
This is the right attitude. Thank you for the indirect reminder of who I want to be. I may or may not agree with you politically. That doesn't matter. We're all human, including Glaucus, and I want my words and actions to reflect a love for all man, but I usually fall short. So now I pick myself up and try again. 👍🏻

But another thread has decayed again, so I will be perusing others for useful information...

It was 100% intended to offend me. And I didn't take the bait.
This was about bonsai theft. One guy said the police don't do a thing about bonsai theft. And I posted sources that show the opposite. That person also said 'I may be called a 1950s racist, but all the problems in Japan are because of foreigners'.
And that person got 10+ likes. I got zero for correcting the false info. I didn't call anyone names. I just called it a 'lie' because we have been here 5+ before.

Yes, I did not forget. And yes, Trump wants to deport American citizens, as long as it is 'legal'. includes some of you brave racists:

Yes, it turns out many people attacking me here are Americans. So yes, then it becomes relevant that they are actually foreigners in their own country, at risk of deportation.

If 10 degenerate asshole bullies come after be, I'll slap you right back with facts and logic. It was Gabler who made this thing personal once again. You people love this drama. Because it is 1 vs 15.
And yes you also always show up. And you pretend to be a diplomat and a moderate. You are were trying to come after me personally all the time. Always. For no reason at all.
If you had ANY SPINE and ANY SENSE, you'd take my side and say I was right. But you don't. Because you agree with the racism. You love it!
I haven't forgotten last time where you claimed to be a Democrat who can't talk about politics in Kentucky. That was pathetic and that's why I call it out. But you can come go after me personally. Such a big hero you are!

And you know that Greg will side with you. Because he has similar views. If we had a sensible moderator here, I wouldn't have to do this hard on you.
There is absolutely nothing racist about a Japanese person wanting Japan to remain Japanese and not be overrun with foreigners that don't respect the culture and customs. There is nothing racist about not cheering on the ethnic replacement of America with drug/human traffickers. You are a radical left conspiracy theorist that thinks any first world nation belongs to everybody *except* the people that created it and their ancestors that want to maintain it.
It was 100% intended to offend me. And I didn't take the bait.
It was not a dig, a jab, or in any way intended to offend. I won't apologize for your misconceptions. You are perfectly illustrating for all of us exactly how you project your hatred and delusion onto others. You assume that everyone is as spiteful as you are. What you fail to understand is that God created each and every one of us to be individuals who are capable of exercising free will. We get to CHOOSE our behavior. I get that you're not here to make friends. I'm not either. If I happen to make friends in the process of learning, fantastic. But I don't go out of my way to make enemies. I don't hate you. I don't try to offend you just because I mention you. I was simply saying that you are just as human as the rest of us. You make it hard to continue believing this.

I offer a truce: Let's talk bonsai. That's the purpose of this forum. It's the one thing we all have in common. Let's build on our commonalities, instead of demolishing each other over pointless political ideologies. I'm sure you have knowledge and experience that could teach some of us who are new to the art. But your rants seem to supercede any benefit you might provide.
I don't need to be your friend, and I don't want to be your enemy. I'm extending the metaphorical olive branch. (I pruned it from my own pet tree!)
"According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the current total population of Native Americans in the United States is 6.79 million, which is about 2.09% of the entire population."

Plenty of far right people in the US and Europe want to deport people that were born in said country and have citizenship in said country, but are considered to be 'foreigners'. Which includes AfD in Germany and Trump in the US. So not sure you should be safe.
Maybe you are safe if both your parents were born in the US? Or if you are not black, Asian, or Mexican?

I agree it is complete bullshit. But unless you are one of those 2.1% native Americans in the US, or 5% first nation people in Canada, you shouldn't be calling others 'foreigners'
Just saying that considering Japan is about 2% gaikokujin and the US is about 2% not native Americans, maybe Japan's problem isn't those 2%. Even if they mistakenly eat on public transport.

We just saw in Germany where people in the counties with the least 'foreigners' vote for the most anti-foreigner party. I am kinda sick hearing about the 'foreigner bad'-thing when I open a bonsai forum.

FIRST of all, I AM NOT CALLING ANYONE FOREIGNERS. Stop assuming that everyone in the US is of one hive mind. We arent.
I dont agree with Trump's stance on birther citizenship. I agree with what the constitution states which says anyone born here is a citizen regardless of national origin of the parents.
The fact is he got elected, like it or not and until something changes politically, he will be president.

I am so fucking tired of this forum being turned into a political soap box for either side and the fight that ensues when either side starts spouting off.
I have my beliefs and I know and accept that NOTHING I SAY WILL CHANGE THE MIND OF ANYONE OF OPPOSITE OPINON.
It just turns this forum into a shit show none of us want or came here for so please for the love of GOD STOP THE MADNESS
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