Bonsai Nut Spring Box Store Challenge

Vance, the last challenge was almost all junipers if I remember correctly. This rule distinction is for variety's sake. And, after all, this is just for fun. It's not Noelanders...

What variety? Boxwoods? Maybe Holly. Azalea? That will be about all I would be able to find around here.
Like I asked earlier. Are Chinese elms good to go? They are considered evergreen non coniferous trees in a lot of locales. In fact I have one out there under snow that is still green.
This should be fun and a great learning experience for a beginner like me. I missed the last contest and have been looking forward to the spring ever since. I was out scouting the Lowe's this evening...not much there but nothing like a little tree porn to get the brain in gear when go time arrives! Thanks to all of those that put into the time and effort in running this contest. That's a lot of work I am sure.

T I was out scouting the Lowe's this evening...

Hey Joe, one tip if you have any larger landscape places around go there. The bigger the better. What you want to look for is stuff that has not sold for years because it was broken or something like that. Then once you find it, get the manager and say "this looks pretty rough, I don't guess anyone is going to buy it for landscape, what kind of a deal can you give me?"

I got some this way a few days ago marked down from $29 to $4. :)
Hey Joe, one tip if you have any larger landscape places around go there. The bigger the better. What you want to look for is stuff that has not sold for years because it was broken or something like that. Then once you find it, get the manager and say "this looks pretty rough, I don't guess anyone is going to buy it for landscape, what kind of a deal can you give me?"

I got some this way a few days ago marked down from $29 to $4. :)

Great advice, there's several really large nurseries in town with good variety, one in particular. I just happened to be by a Lowe's tonight 20 minutes after reading about the next box store challenge so I had to stop in, but I think you're right. Thanks Rob!
How about I hang some fake flowers on a juniper and call it a juzalea?
It's been about 10 years since I last had any bonsai. I've been contemplating starting in again and this seems to be the perfect way to do so. Will the rules be posted to this thread or will a new one be started?


I wont be particating in this round because I have enough (too much) cheap nursery/boxstore material that will take years to develop. I am trying to save my money and space to obtain better quality material now.

However, I will comment that limiting the purchase of material to just March, pretty much eliminates everyone west of the Rocky Mountains and north of about my latitude. We dont begin to see material out at box stores and nurseries here before the middle of April and very limited at that. With the currently proposed deadline, I would not bt able to participate simply because material is not available here in March. We are too likely to get snow here in March-early April for nurseries to have material out yet.

Here are my suggestions:

If the goal is to get as many people involved in the fun as possible, I would suggest setting the material aquisition over a 2 month period from March 15 to May 15. This allows people down south to obtain and work on material when it is appropriate for their climate before it gets too hot and it allows the northern folks to be able to get material after things thaw out. Dont allow people to post material until after May 15, but do allow them to take their pics and work on the material so long as it meets the guidelines. Make the final deadline to post finished work by May 30, again to give the northerners time to work on their stuff.

I see no problem with the non conifer rule as the other contest was pretty much all junipers for the beginner and intermiediate category.
Here are my suggestions:

If the goal is to get as many people involved in the fun as possible, I would suggest setting the material aquisition over a 2 month period from March 15 to May 15. This allows people down south to obtain and work on material when it is appropriate for their climate before it gets too hot and it allows the northern folks to be able to get material after things thaw out. Dont allow people to post material until after May 15, but do allow them to take their pics and work on the material so long as it meets the guidelines. Make the final deadline to post finished work by May 30, again to give the northerners time to work on their stuff.

I see no problem with the non conifer rule as the other contest was pretty much all junipers for the beginner and intermiediate category.

This is a good step but it still eliminates me. March might still be okay I can try it. I have certainly killed a good many things and I am not afraid to do it again. Like I said before, by April we are square in the middle of our first growing season. May we are often over 100F and the first growing season is slowing down and preparing for summer dormancy. I know we are different here than most so if I can't participate I will watch and learn.
Sometimes the coldest weather of the winter season can come in March;--- here.
This is a good step but it still eliminates me. March might still be okay I can try it. I have certainly killed a good many things and I am not afraid to do it again. Like I said before, by April we are square in the middle of our first growing season. May we are often over 100F and the first growing season is slowing down and preparing for summer dormancy. I know we are different here than most so if I can't participate I will watch and learn.

If this is the case, there should be no harm in just having a due date of May 15th and opening up the contest ASAP. That should help include everyone. Except those down under I suppose!
If mid-March is cutting it too close for NV, TX etc, then how about March 1st to start getting material for those folks?

@Vance, March can be bad here too, and I am quite a bit south of you in the "frozen North", so I know If I cant get material in March, you guys wont be able to either.

I think March 1-May 15 is a good compromise and gives everyone equal opportunity to get material given their climate constraints. North west coasters might have an advantage because thier weather is good during that whole time, but I dont think it really matters as this is only for fun and learning.

Also, with regard to learning, I think it would be nice if all entrants got the some sort of commentary on theit tree if possible. The reasons why it did/didnt win and how it might be improved if possible. That would make it a real learning experience for everyone.
If this is the case, there should be no harm in just having a due date of May 15th and opening up the contest ASAP. That should help include everyone. Except those down under I suppose!

This is fine too, hell make it Feb 1 - May 15. Having never lived South of Virgina Beach, I have no idea how fast it gets hot down there in the spring.
I would still make the submission deadline beginning May 15 and ending May 30.

This might make the contest seem long, but nothing in bonsai is fast and it will allow for more entrants and be more interesting to see. IMO.
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This is fine too, hell make it Feb 1 - May 15. Having never lived South of Virgina Beach, I have no idea how fast it gets hot down there in the spring.
I would still make the submission deadline beginning May 15 and ending May 30.

This might make the contest seem long, but nothing in bonsai is fast and it will allow for more entrants and be more interesting to see. IMO.

I think if Vin goes with his original time will allow another contest later in the game come early summer possibly. I contacted two nurseries who will open up with an appointment for me come March. One only needs to contact nurseries near you and ask if you can come in with an appointment (explain the contest) I too live in areas where they are closed. If I don't find anything that strikes my fancy with the limited stock...then, I'll shoot for the next contest. But I for one would be disappointed after making contact with nurseries to visit come have to put them off.

May is actually the worst time for me...I have so much going on in that month with last minute preparations for our mission trip...two kids birthdays...and my son's graduation. And a slew of other things that has my head spinning. May has always been a hectic month for our household.
Why don't you guys consider asking Vance to be a judge for your boxwood challenge? He knows more about bonsai than anyone else on here. And he's honest and fair.
Why don't you guys consider asking Vance to be a judge for your boxwood challenge? He knows more about bonsai than anyone else on here. And he's honest and fair.

Thank You for the complement but I will have to humbly, decline. I am not qualified and probably now will not be available due to family plans.

I have never been to Japan and I have never been trained by any of the most approved teachers in this country. I think being in this position would only be a focus causing division. Instead of focusing on bonsai I'm afraid things would focus on me. There would be some who would not participate because of me being a judge. Contrary to a common perception I do not wish to exclude anyone. I don't want people, who should participate, to decline simply because I am the judge.
Thank You for the complement but I will have to humbly, decline. I am not qualified and probably now will not be available due to family plans.

I have never been to Japan and I have never been trained by any of the most approved teachers in this country. I think being in this position would only be a focus causing division. Instead of focusing on bonsai I'm afraid things would focus on me. There would be some who would not participate because of me being a judge. Contrary to a common perception I do not wish to exclude anyone. I don't want people, who should participate, to decline simply because I am the judge.

I kind of figured you would decline Vance. I was just throwing things out there to see who would reply to my post. Seems like everything I post no one replies to.
And I like to see respect given where respect is due. I thought it would be nice for the people to ask you is all. If some one didn't want to participate because you were a judge because they didn't like you would be childish.
No offense to Vance or Mike, but I'd rather see him participate. Vance is a big part of this community and we all like seeing what he does with nursery stock. Maybe Vance could give his own separate critique similar to what neli did last time.
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