Bonsai Nut Spring Box Store Challenge

Bonsai is a game of inches and decades. Anyone who can't stick for a season is in the wrong place anyway...
No wire! No way! This is about helping folks hone some skillzzz, and that's the one biggie, that new people shy from. This is just the kick most need to learn how to.
Besides, where's the fun in just clipping?

I'm just seeing if anyone is paying attention :)
This summer is going to be crazy hectic for me...two weeks in the beginning of June on a mission trip...a family vacation tossed in there sometime son graduates this year as I've a graduation party to plan. (Husband suggested catering so I can enjoy it verses stress about it.) I'm not sure how much I'll be able to follow threads here on the forum during that time...if it goes through September. Though...if ones want to share their trees at the end of summer...sort of a progression thread on their contest trees...that might be cool! But myself I think short term might be easier for me to follow only because of my surly crazy summer.

Darlene, I only meant that there would be three photos posted this spring, then an after photo posted in September. I think you might be able to swing it. We could even do the September part separate from the spring contest. Maybe do a contest in September showing both the fall box store challenge and the spring box store challenge results. If they've survived!
Mine did and it's thriving and vibrant. I'm even planning on a repot in April

Mine looks iffy. I'll be surprised if it's alive come April. I think I got a little too aggressive in the pruning.
Mine from the last challenge is sitting outside...if it survives yay...but since I am still having issues with my finger off and on and still treating it. It flares up less often now though...I can say...I don't love the tree any longer.
We should come up with a list of species to use.


Anyone think of any more?

Plus tropicals if you consider them in the same evergreen category:
Fukien tea
Portulacaria afra (mini jade or elephant bush)

You live in Indiana???? and you come up with this list of tropical and semi-tropical trees and plants?????
A Yew would have been fun to work with, but I think it might be outside the 'rules'. Per Wikipedia "Taxaceae is now generally included with all other conifers in the order Pinales."
Seems they are conifers. Regardless, I'll probably try to participate, but around here, nursery stock may also be pretty limited in March. April may be better, but at worst, I'll participate in a Summer round.

This may have been confusing because a conifer is not a Family level distinction, as suggested by the OP. IIRC, A conifer is defined at the Division/Phylum level (depending on where/when you learned biological scientific classification Specifically, division/phylum Pinophyta, also known as Coniferophyta or Coniferae. At least, I think so.

Why would a Yew be outside the rules? Define what you mean by a family level distinction. As to things being unavailable around here???? Not likely to see anything till April at the earliest. I was out of town last year when this was going on so I am kind of in the dark here. Are there some trees that are not allowed in the contest??? If so, which ones and why????
Why would a Yew be outside the rules? Define what you mean by a family level distinction. As to things being unavailable around here???? Not likely to see anything till April at the earliest. I was out of town last year when this was going on so I am kind of in the dark here. Are there some trees that are not allowed in the contest??? If so, which ones and why????

Yews are in the genus Taxus and from everything I read it's a conifer. Please provide any evidence to the contrary so we can ad it to the "Acceptable List". Below are just two of several sources I researched.
I was out of town last year when this was going on so I am kind of in the dark here. Are there some trees that are not allowed in the contest??? If so, which ones and why????

...and we certainly missed your input and entry. I have to tidy up the rules from last time as there were three threads that explained different parts of them. I will post them well ahead of the contest to iron out any questions before the challenge begins. Sound good?

Also, your category (Advanced) was wide open. The only requirement was pot size and money spent. We could do that again for this challenge but it might be better to keep everyone on the same playing field to give us newer folks something to strive for and compare our mistakes with.
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Why would a Yew be outside the rules? Define what you mean by a family level distinction. As to things being unavailable around here???? Not likely to see anything till April at the earliest. I was out of town last year when this was going on so I am kind of in the dark here. Are there some trees that are not allowed in the contest??? If so, which ones and why????

I thought he said that the rule would be non coniferous evergreens. That would put the yew outside of the rules, as it is coniferous, right? Or did I miss something? I think I missed something.
Mine from the last challenge is sitting outside...if it survives yay...but since I am still having issues with my finger off and on and still treating it. It flares up less often now though...I can say...I don't love the tree any longer.

Maybe you should pay it forward then? There must be someone you know that will work with it. You did well with it even though it didn't win.
I thought he said that the rule would be non coniferous evergreens. That would put the yew outside of the rules, as it is coniferous, right? Or did I miss something? I think I missed something.

Nope, you didn't.. ;)
Rules state no conifer. Taxus baccata bears cones. Thus is a conifer.

View attachment 65929

So you are saying Pinus species and Juniperous species? Contrary to what many of you indoor bonsai people think, most of the real fine bonsai around the world are conifers. If this is the case I will not participate and will convince others to do ----- or not do--- the same.

How is it possible to eliminate the major element used in bonsai? If you take a tally I think you will find that there are hundreds of- maybe ---thousands of first rate Pine and Juniper bonsai. Why would you want to eliminate these species' of trees? It seems to me that pulling together a bonsai from this material is as good an accoplishment as anything else you could possible imagine. Award on the level of experience not the level of accomplishment. If you are saying that anyone who can design a show-stopping tree need not apply what are you doing to your own show????

This is the kind of decision a group of beginners would choose to make sure they have a chance to win, and the experienced have not. Any contest that does this does not deserver attention from anyone for any purpose. This demonstrates one of the things that I have against many of the forums, they favor the mediocre and award the simple. Separate the classes of entrants not the quality of the entries.

I still ask where are these frigging rules?? I want to read them.
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Spring is around the corner and so is our next Box Store Challenge. The material will be evergreens that are not in the coniferous family in nothing larger than a three gallon pot and the cost must not exceed $50. The official annoucement and rules will be posted sometime during the last week in February. Material gathering will commence on the 1st of March and last the entire month. Proof of purchase will be same as last challenge with a dated receipt and photos, everything will be outlined in the rules. This post is more of a “Heads Up” to get everyone thinking about their project. Hope you all can join the fun!

Fall Box Store Challenge Winners:

Who wrote this crap? Who let it stand as a rule? You just made sure you only have a indoor/beginners/only contest. This must be changed or I will challenge it at the risk of being tossed from this site. This is flat out wrong!!!! Ban me now bacause, I'm pissed and here I come.
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Vance get a grip. Start your own challenge if you don't like this one. Who ever started this one wanted no conifers for what ever reason. I find it more challenging. You seem to think it is inferior or something. I Don't understand your angst. Nothing really to get worked up about.
Vance get a grip. Start your own challenge if you don't like this one. Who ever started this one wanted no conifers for what ever reason. I find it more challenging. You seem to think it is inferior or something. I Don't understand your angst. Nothing really to get worked up about.

I told you and everybody that I was going to resist this and believe what I say. If this set of rules stands you have a non-contest. What's the matter qwade;? are you afraid of conifers? Think about it. It takes far longer to make a good bonsai from a conifer than almost anything else. If the same parameters apply I am willing to follow them to the letter. You don't understand my angst??? What don't you understand? A contest is either open to all or it is open to none. If you did not write this stupid meaningless rule where is your angst from? I suspect I have been doing bonsai longer than you have been going to the toilet by yourself.
I see nothing wrong with the stipulation. We did a conifer last time,so a change from that this round. To make it different. :o It also has one doing homework to see what does apply then. So a learning experience for us newbies. It's just for fun...we know conifers are evergreen...but what other species/variety applies that isn't a conifer!?!
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