Bonsai and Art A continuation of What defines a Good Bonsai from the Also Rans....

@Bolero is an absolute Poe. I can't tell if he's trolling us on purpose with ridiculous trees and comments, or if he is genuinely clueless about the disconnect between the level at which he practices bonsai, and the and level at which he tries to talk about it. Perhaps it doesn't matter.

Dear Colin, your mindless rant speaks volumes of your IQ.....
If you bothered to read all the post's you would have known I was directly answering a BVF question, not critizing Adairs Tree....
You drag the thread down with your mindless Bonsai Snob attitude...
I think we need to rename this the Bonsai Snob Clown Thread, it would fit several here....

More apropos perhaps, which flavor of Bush's Bean's do you prefer ?
"Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,
Though its answer little meaning—little relevancy bore" - Edgar Allan POE
BVF: How ironic is it that he framed this painting? Does that increase your appreciation for the composition? It did for me!

NO, the Frame is wrong no matter what, it overpowers the Painting to the Extreme and just does not work...totally out of scale to the Painting, Sorry...
No need to apologize at all. You like your shimpaku cuttings in a glazed pot with a figurine in the middle. I like my painting of a chorus girl whose husband killed the guy who framed the painting. All it means is that if you're right on my frame, I'm right on your pot. I doubt either of us is going to break up our composition.

We clearly don't appreciate art the same way. Makes the world go around.
The question I would ask is ---------- if Bonsai is part Horticulture, and Art / Sculpture, how many go and do the Art thingee
after they get the trees to live ?

The problem that came up after the - Abstract Period - was a lot of folk with no Art training or Art Appreciation going
around as Artists. Thank you Mr. Picasso.

Before you forget, this is how a Bonsai is grown down here -

Drawing plan before the Tree is grown/trained.
This is how a painting is done - Drawing plan before the painted image.

All this talk of Art, do you guys treat your trees like paintings ?
Or do the Picasso?

Bolero, no snobbery, just a natural way to do a Bonsai.
Good Day

The plan -

gmelina design.jpg

This was a 2" cutting that was first drawn and then grown into the shape. Now 30 something years old


What would it take to get from artful to world class? Be specific. What could Adair do to this composition?

There are holes in the Foliage, the Left side of the Foliage is out of balance to the Right side...
The Right side of the tree Foliage is in perfect Symmetry, the Left side is not.

There is a foliage gap in front of the Trunk at 6 O'clock...

Otherwise a show winner for sure...
Interesting... so you would prefer it to be a solid green helmet? The holes in the foliage are there purposely. The branches form pads of foliage. Pads of foliage that extend out from the trunk to the ends of the branch. This tree is not a hollow shell with foliage around the outside and bare limbs on the inside.

I would say that the foliage is balanced. No needles were cut. They're the same length all over. Short. The bottom is as strong as the top. That's the definition of "balanced".

Left side vs right side? The tree is a slant! Of course one side is dominant.

There is difference of opinion of the way Westerners see trees vs Asians. On slanted trees, if the tree leans to the right most Westerners prefer the first branch to go back to the right, for "balance". Most Asians would prefer if the tree leans to the right, they want the key branch to be to the right, too. The thinking is there is a reason the tree slants right, the key branch would go the same way.

My tree is a little of both! The key branch is on the right. But it's not the lowest branch visually. The lowest branch you see on the left is actually part of the back branch.

Is it a perfect tree? Hardly.

It will be on display this weekend at the Atlanta Bonsai Club's spring show at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. With yet another different stand! Lol!!!
Adair thank you for the information regards your Pine and my Critique as to it Not being World Class...

I am obviously not competent to judging your Bonsai Pine, may you do well with your WC Bonsai...

My apologies to you and the Others that I may have offended by Critiquing your efforts...
I realized right now...

That it's not the fact that I like peace.

It's the fact that I've read Everything.

Hardest part about "playing" peacemaker...
Pointing out to folks how I already know that they are wrong about someone...

Worst part....
I don't get to enjoy the funny parts AS much!

Either way...
I said the other day....

We have a responsibility to take care of These newbs, no matter how old they are.

Please don't confuse Bolero's passion and enjoyment of our community!

newbs, no matter how old they are.
“The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability as much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive incapacity, on the part of those with low ability, to recognize their ineptitude and evaluate their competence accurately. Their research also suggests corollaries: high-ability individuals may underestimate their relative competence and may erroneously assume that tasks which are easy for them are also easy for others."

I like "newbs" (and still consider myself one in lots of ways). I like people I disagree with (you nuts know who you are ;) ). I like spirited discussion, opinions, and learning from and growing with the crazy mix of people on this forum. I don't like whatever you want to call Mr. Dunning-Kruger incarnate's blend of cluelessness and confidence.

I still think it's one of you doing a pitch perfect, if uncharitable, impression. If so, I'm truly impressed ;)
“The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability as much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive incapacity, on the part of those with low ability, to recognize their ineptitude and evaluate their competence accurately. Their research also suggests corollaries: high-ability individuals may underestimate their relative competence and may erroneously assume that tasks which are easy for them are also easy for others."
Ha! Check it out, from a recent conference. We thought it was T-Shirt material, but then decided we we might be standing on top of Mt. Stupid making that suggestion, and suddenly we were on the slope of enlightenment...where I settled for a photo.
Ha! Check it out, from a recent conference. We thought it was T-Shirt material, but then decided we we might be standing on top of Mt. Stupid making that suggestion, and suddenly we were on the slope of enlightenment...where I settled for a photo.
View attachment 136876
Well said sir! </rant> :)
I'm not sure why some of you here would lower yourselves to insult Bolero as you have. He started this thread to provoke discussion, gave his own input, gave thanks when others chimed in, and gave honest answers to questions when asked. There is no need to disparage his work or to insult his intelligence.
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