Bjorn’s Single Flush Pine technique explained!

A lot of the techniques discussed for trees are for trees in refinement stages, evidenced by the tree itself and how large, mature etc.

Going into anything, you should question applicability.

This video was very informative. Will i used this information for my mugo in development? No. Will I use it for my shore pine which is recovering? No.

Does it explain when I should be starting these techniques and what they do and when would be appropriate to begin using them? Yes.

Know your trees. Know your goals. Know your options. The rest is on you.

@sorce, I am all for your contrarian and independent opinions and I value your devil's advocate positions, but I'm going to side with those with the trees in this instance.
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If you look at the candles, they’re all small, and uniform. When they develop, the needles they will produce will be about equal the the ones on the pine now. And the old ones will fall off beginning in late summer. So, the tree is essentially in equilibrium right now. Does the tree get marginally larger? Yes, by about 1/4 to 1/2 inch all around. Does it bowed to get cut back to compensate? Maybe. Over a couple years, yes, the tree would need a cut back. But not every year. Maybe every 4 or 5 years it’s necessary.

I’m planning on restyling this tree. It has a second front that would completely change the look! It’s been the way it is for 20 years. Next spring, a year from now, I might change it.
Could you post a view of the second front? I'd love to see that!
I haven’t watched the whole video (work got in the way) so Bjorn may mention it later on, but WHY would/could a branch die off on a single flush pine if you decandle? He makes that statement within the first few minutes to preface the candle handling techniques in the video, but I’d like to know why this happens in single flush pines? What is the biological/horticultural reason?
I haven’t watched the whole video (work got in the way) so Bjorn may mention it later on, but WHY would/could a branch die off on a single flush pine if you decandle? He makes that statement within the first few minutes to preface the candle handling techniques in the video, but I’d like to know why this happens in single flush pines? What is the biological/horticultural reason?
If there’s no bud, the tree stops feeding that twig (branch). Sometimes a weak twig which has needles just doesn’t form a bud. No bud, no growth! The twig will eventually die. I suppose there’s a hormone that live buds create that tell the tree to feed that twig. No bud, no hormone, no food!
If there’s no bud, the tree stops feeding that twig (branch). Sometimes a weak twig which has needles just doesn’t form a bud. No bud, no growth! The twig will eventually die. I suppose there’s a hormone that live buds create that tell the tree to feed that twig. No bud, no hormone, no food!
Thanks @Adair M, makes perfect sense 👍
I don't watch these videos ever.
No need to.
I have Vance Wood.
The information from Vance and Peter are identical so you haven't missed anything. It's not rocket science - if you know about trees, vigour and energy management it's common sense, just watch the tree's response. I think the Internet in some ways is great - access to the wealth of knowledge such as Vance, Adair and Bjorn on one hand but some folk don't make use of the best resource of all - how your own tree reacts to what you do & when you do it.
You were speaking about Bjorns trees

Bjorn wasn't the one who...

"Uh Sorce" 'd me.

Just as I was honest 6 years ago when you sent me a tree, them I sent you a check, I am honest now. This value doesn't have a changing level in me!

I am always honest.

Yes, I could have been talking about Bjorn's trees, or a monkeys, or a Monkey could have been saying what I was, it would still be an honest statement.

Sorry YOUR trust level HAS changed!

Light that up.

When I first started here a year or so ago, I was amused by your banter.
It's gettin' a bit old with the call outs!!

I was sincerely hoping you would have remembered where this jarring incident took place.

Not so real of you can't remember when it happened eh?

Calling you out to a conversation is like holding a hand out for a dance!
What is the problem?

claims to have tons of “experience”.

No, I just said in my experience.

And the "thinking" I mentioned was in regard to what plagues me, not in regards to I know better.

Stone thought I meant "know better" cuz he is foolishly threatened by me too.
That's who brought up the "I'm smarter than you" mentality, not me, it's not what I meant.

Of course....

I'm a liar, for those who can't read.


Just thinking of a Mark Twain quote.

I don't understand the need to remove so much energy production.

Seems quite counterproductive.

I like this video and I think he clearly explains timing and technique. However one thing he didn't emphasize very clearly is that this is a refinement / energy balancing technique. This is not necessarily what you would do if you were still in early or mid development and were still developing branch structure or extending branches. I say "not necessarily" because there may be cases where you are refining one part of a tree, while another part of the tree you are still developing.

So yes, @sorce, if you are still developing, using this technique would slow down your development because you are removing energy production and the rate of growth.

The other thing to note is that there are some exceptions to using this technique on all single-flush pines. The pine in this video is a Scots Pine which is considered a short-needle single flush pine. You have to wait a little longer before you pinch/cut candles on long-needle single flush pines like P. parviflora or P. strobus, because otherwise the emerging needles (from the cut/pinched candles) will elongate too much. At least... that is Ryan Neil's advice. I admit I do not have enough experience with some of these pine species since I was not able to keep them in SoCal. I am just now starting to expand my collection with a few white pine species and hope to gain more experience.
So yes, @sorce, if you are still developing, using this technique would slow down your development because you are removing energy production and the rate of growth.


But to make this mud clear....

I was never concerned in the manner folks think, about "timing".

And never had a problem with the Video, or Bjorn, or understanding this is an old tree.

I guess in short.

I actually watched AND observed the video.

Especially when Bjorn said, "still working out", or whatever it was about our local pines.
Well for me....
That is openly saying, "I'm not the God these arguing people are revering me for, I am part of developing team".

So I look to assist, get that triple double.

I am aware that He wasn't talking about Scott's.

It's just....

You have this triangle of...

Japanese Training.
A Tennessee Dude.
And a North tree.

If we don't, as an intelligent group, see how there JUST May be room for improvement due to that triangle, we are stupid.

These are the FACTS I've been speaking of.

And people are bleeding all over like there was a virtual mass shooting!

And of Adair didn't "Uh Sorce" me, like I haven''t read a book.....

We could have went on learning.

And never had a problem with the Video, or Bjorn, or understanding this is an old tree

Oh but you said.....

That's my "problem #2" with this video...
It's not explaining the results of this action, just the action, which for me, isn't an explanation, it's an instruction.

A little semantics.

I didn't want to hurt fragile Adair so I didn't say, "problem with the presentation of the video".
"Problem with the thread."

So for those who PM me about thinking before I speak, this is what I get for thinking before I speak!

I wish I wasn't interested in Single flush pines!

And people are bleeding all over like there was a virtual mass shooting!


I didn't read every post in this thread :) I was responding to my own thoughts regarding single flush pines... since two days ago I was at two different nurseries talking to two different nursery owners about single flush pines and this is single flush pine season :) I also didn't want to get into a tug-of-war between what Bjorn says, or what Ryan says or what @Vance Wood says. Rather I want to listen to them all and seek understanding... so that if there are differences I can understand how they are different and why.


I too, have the "Holy Trinity" in mind , noting differences in each's approach.

Seeking to combine like Voltron...

Leg leg arm head....

And we have better.

Let me know what you discover!

It was Ryan voice in my head made me feel like too much energy was removed.

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