Autumn colours

Just starting. Boston ivy below in full color now and the only one in my garden. Perhaps the other plant in fall spirit is my "Helvola" miniature water lily.

What is the plant next to the ivy on the left please?
What is the plant next to the ivy on the left please?

Judy that's a Japanese beautyberry (Callicarpa japonica). Not many berries this year since it needed more sun. Loves water and easily goes limp when dry. Looks outstanding in winter with bare branches and bright purple berries. In the wrong pot now just for training.
I have seen a couple of trees along the road starting to change color. The bonsais are all still green though
Fall is here definitely. Some trees are showing their best colours.
Compact Euonymus alatus
and I like Sango-kaku when going from light green through pinks...
...still waiting for larch and the rest.
The maples I protected from the sun when we had a heat wave in July are just beginning to change colours:


This Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Virginia creeper I think) is a cutting I took in late June. The original cutting is the part at the back, it has already lost a couple of leaves, the part cascading is the new growth (PS: the table it's standing on is 80 cm high, about 2 feet 6 inches) :

Not a peep here yet, although day length has been shorter, it's been very warm for this time of year. Keep the pics coming!
And look at these:

The Acer buergerianum has been in the ground for a couple of years. You can see 1/ the growth it gave this year, 2/ how new leaves are still pushing out (and it was only 3°c this morning, 16°C this afternoon).

You can compare with the Ginkgo (an air-layered part of a talll one I bought, I've already posted about them): it's a couple of cm higher than me, and I'm 1.78 m tall (5.8398833333567 ft) :


And plz, no remark on the mess and the lawn that doesn't look like wall-to-wall carpetting :D

PS: in the background, a Montpellier maple, in the tub, a big Metasequoia I don't know what to do with, a couple of Taxodium disticum, and a contorted willow, Salix matsudana or sthg.
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IMG_20171007_132004190.jpg I'm just beginning to get a little color on some maples, but the Vine Maples and Dogwood are putting on a good show. I took these today. You can see how the Vine that are out in full sun turn brilliant red and the ones in the back turn more yellow with a red blush.
The Dogwood is at the end of my drive. They are usually solitary trees you see these splashes of purple here and there. IMG_20171007_125925933.jpg
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