Appreciate Your Input

I do 60/40 calcined clay/pine fines I adjust depending on the tree. FLA is HOTTT in the summer and my plants dry out too fast without some organics, been adjusting the mix for the last year or so with a lot of success. My submerged Bald Cypress go in a calcined clay/gravel mix.
My thought when I read this post title.
As a newer guy with less valuable trees I'm using a lot of NAPA DE sifted. Lava and bark. Price and availability is key for me. I'd like to try some pumice. I hate perlite as it always floats to the surface like Styrofoam. Thinking keep it simple for newbies.
Agree on the KISS principle for soil. Being able to get the components locally would make things a lot easier for new people.
My thought when I read this post title.
As a newer guy with less valuable trees I'm using a lot of NAPA DE sifted. Lava and bark. Price and availability is key for me. I'd like to try some pumice. I hate perlite as it always floats to the surface like Styrofoam. Thinking keep it simple for newbies.
I agree, biggest thing people miss is the location and availability. While i have trees i would miss if they died, i'm not anywhere near show quality trees. I'd use things like pumice if it was here and a decent price, but given our area it's much easier and works well just to use DE as a staple. I think most have been civil about the soil debate. It is what it is, i use what i can get. :cool:
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