Another Itoigawa

when are you gonna repot? or are you pretty much pot slipping?
It will be a slip-pot in mid-September if it goes to Portland. If not, I'll do a normal repot next spring.
Lovely pot Brian, he certainly has a lot of cool pots, and does nice sales. And he has lots of larger sized pots, which sometimes can be difficult to fine. Will look so good in there..
This one is Akadama and lava, 2:1.
This spring, I replaced the top inch or so of crusty soil with akadama and a little pumice and river sand.

I use 1/3 lava, 1/3 pumice and 1/3 akadama, pretty close. Basically Boon's soil mix.
Gotta get out there with the electric hedge trimmers!
And yes, it is pretty incredible how fast the humidity works on the wood.
Gotta get out there with the electric hedge trimmers!
Oh, those won't work! I have some that attach to my weed eater motor! That'll do it!

About the mildew on the Shari... Have you seen the little pressure washers? I think their "real" job is spot removers for dry cleaners. They shoot a tiny stream of water. But it's perfect for cleaning Shari and deadwood. Jonas used one at Boon's on one of his junipers. Pretty cool!
A buddy recommended this Mystic. Not sure if it's the same, but haven't pulled the trigger yet.


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I have one, and have used it on my ulmus parvifolia yatsubusa. I posted about this at this link:

This is actually a link to the end of the post. Scroll up a bit and you'll get to the top.

I have also used it on my cork bark elm, on the deadwood, and in removing some troublesome punk wood, which added a hollow to the trunk, and additional character, but I haven't found time to post on it yet.
Looks good, Brian! Now you just need to tidy up the "hanging needles".

Do you use the lime sulfur straight? Or dilute it?
When is the next show?

I'll be taking my Kishu to the NC Expo. Mid October.
When is the next show?

I'll be taking my Kishu to the NC Expo. Mid October.
Nice! The Bama club will have a display in the Expo for the first time this year, but this juniper isn't in this year's lineup.
If I had to hazard a guess, I think it may have been the pot, and the guy wires.

It's possible to pay $25 and get a critique. I don't know if Brian did that or not.

They could only take 75. I'm sure there were a lot of excellent trees that "just missed the cut".
Assuming the decision was based only on the photos submitted, I'd say it was the guy-wires. Bjorn predicted it would be bounced for guy wires before I entered it, so I wasn't surprised. I was surprised the show is only 75 trees.

The pot is a 3rd gen signed Yamaaki with patina, so not a junk pot by any stretch. I actually like it, but in the entry form, I wrote that it would be slip-potted into an exhibition-quality Gyouzan.

I did not pay the $25 for a critique; it seems a bit insulting, and I'm very happy with it. I'll submit it for consideration to the Nationals, which I can attend and thoroughly enjoyed last year.

Testing a new camera setting...
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