when are you gonna repot? or are you pretty much pot slipping?
Gee, I dunno, Brian, it has all these little pads all over it. Wouldn't it be easier to maintain if you just sheared it?Update...
I want to see that! Well, maybe I don'tGotta get out there with the electric hedge trimmers!
Oh, those won't work! I have some that attach to my weed eater motor! That'll do it!Gotta get out there with the electric hedge trimmers!
Nice! The Bama club will have a display in the Expo for the first time this year, but this juniper isn't in this year's lineup.When is the next show?
I'll be taking my Kishu to the NC Expo. Mid October.
It will be a slip-pot in mid-September if it goes to Portland. If not, I'll do a normal repot next spring.
Why didn't this tree get accepted?Superb tree, Artisan's Cup's loss