An open letter to Mr. Nut

I think this simple solution would satisfy even Graydon, since he will definitely not look for Karaoke, unless someone sticks these threads right in his face. And it will definitely please me, since I will never waste my time in the Karaoke bar.
...ah but Attila I seem to remember seeing you impaired once or twice;)
I don't see how seeing the words, "The Karaoke Bar" will just suck in everyone who comes to the web site and make them have the urge to post something that is offensive to everyone.

If a person is so weak willed that they can't pass by something that they don't like or don't understand they really shouldn't be given access to a computer. Think of all the baaaaad things going on only one click away when you sit down and turn this sucker on!
For rockm:

during these heated discussions, when instults start flying back and forth, my dislike for someone who may have insulted me (with or without intent) can get to the point where I don't even care about his bonsai trees. It could be that next time when he posts a great tree, it will unfairly trigger a negative reaction from my part due to the fact that his personal views disturbed me in the past.

rockm, For what it's worth, I've been on the forums for some time now. For reference, when Will Heath was allowed to post at BonsaiTalk I was around for about 3 years on the net...

Attila I appreciate your honesty.
...ah but Attila I seem to remember seeing you impaired once or twice;)

Of course I was. It's human nature to be inebriated sometimes.:) But I am not proud of it.

Think of this as a car wreck on the roadside, with bodies lying next to it in a pool of blood.
Do you really think that you can avoid looking at it when you drive by, however disturbing that may be?

This is how I see some of these threads. Disturbing, thus hard to overlook. But if they are not laid in front of me, I will not look for them, you can trust me on that.:)
"rockm, For what it's worth, I've been on the forums for some time now. For reference, when Will Heath was allowed to post at BonsaiTalk I was around for about 3 years on the net..."

I apologize then. I have you confused with someone else I think.:o

Since it seems more people than I realized are revealing that they have been offended by posts in the karaoke bar I thought I would post an apology here so that maybe they'll see it. Obviously I have been one of the active posters in some of the more hot topic discussions and it was never my intention to attack anyone or to hurt feelings. I would like to extend a sincere apology to anyone who I have offended or upset in any way.
"rockm, For what it's worth, I've been on the forums for some time now. For reference, when Will Heath was allowed to post at BonsaiTalk I was around for about 3 years on the net..."

I apologize then. I have you confused with someone else I think.:o

No worries I went by a different name then. It's totally understandable.
Of course I was. It's human nature to be inebriated sometimes.:) But I am not proud of it.

Think of this as a car wreck on the roadside, with bodies lying next to it in a pool of blood.
Do you really think that you can avoid looking at it when you drive by, however disturbing that may be?

This is how I see some of these threads. Disturbing, thus hard to overlook. But if they are not laid in front of me, I will not look for them, you can trust me on that.:)
Jesus Attila you didn't have to get so graphic on me :eek: Just teasin' ya buddy. On second thought I think someone spiked my drink!
Come on, we're all big boys, well except for shohin kid. If gays offend you don't go to gay bars or gay parades, maybe nut will create a forum, all in favor of abortion sign your name, next column against abortion, sign your name, then when I wish to know is for or against, all I have to do is go look at the list, because no one is going to change their minds, so it's a waste of time. Same with Christians,Christians sigh your name, agnostics, sign your name, atheists sign your name, nothings going to change. NOW politics is whole different ball game, something different every day that I can jab JasonG because I've been taking it every day for 8 years, and now it's my turn to watch the Dems dig a hole and squirm, and that my friends is fun.

keep it green,
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rockm, For what it's worth, I've been on the forums for some time now. For reference, when Will Heath was allowed to post at BonsaiTalk I was around for about 3 years on the net...

Huh? What? Where? Why bring me up?

For the record I have been posting on the net the same amount of time I have been doing bonsai, about 5 years, give or take a few months.

Interesting thread. The number of posts surprised me, given how new the thread is. But there's been some good discussion, certainly.

One thought. B-Nut announced just a few days ago that he's going to start cracking down on personal attacks. (Hearty applause from my corner.) We haven't yet seen the full effect of that; there hasn't been enough time. So my advice, if you're considering leaving, is to stick around for a while and give his changes a chance to make a difference.
Huh? What? Where? Why bring me up?

For the record I have been posting on the net the same amount of time I have been doing bonsai, about 5 years, give or take a few months.


Sorry Will:o Didn't mean to offend you if I did...and I certainly didn't mean anything negative by it. It's just that that seems to be a subject that has been brought up here recently and else where...multiple times. I thought it would be an event that was an easy time-line reference...again I didn't mean anything by it.

You have to admit, you're some what famous in the on-line bonsai community and there are those who make the chronology of your time on various forums, and every jot and tittle, readily available at the mention of your name:D Or at least their take on your involvement. But I won't name names there....I think they are equally as famous for different reasons.
Sorry Will:o Didn't mean to offend you if I did...and I certainly didn't mean anything negative by it. It's just that that seems to be a subject that has been brought up here recently and else where...multiple times. I thought it would be an event that was an easy time-line reference...again I didn't mean anything by it.

You have to admit, you're some what famous in the on-line bonsai community and there are those who make the chronology of your time on various forums, and every jot and tittle, readily available at the mention of your name:D Or at least their take on your involvement. But I won't name names there....I think they are equally as famous for different reasons.

Lol, no offense taken at all :D

Famous or infamous, fans or stalkers, either way.... thanks for the laugh. ;)
I got you all beat!!! I been on the intertubes (internet) for longer... w00t!! I won at something... ok back to being boring.
I was playing Oubliette and Moria on PLATO at the University of Illinois' CERL (Computer-based Educational Research Lab) with people all over the world back in 1981 :)
Greg, thats about the same time I was fiddling with my state of the art Kaypro PC.....dang that machine was Hotttt
(4) As far as moderation goes, I have not yet found someone who I feel will be a good fit for the site. I would love to have help, but it is a reality that moderated sites often take on the personalities of the moderators. Here there is only me at this point, and though I may frustrate people at times, I have tried to avoid giving people reason to feel I am taking sides.

I agree all the way around on your position. As to adding moderators??? This too, for years has been a bug in my ear and an itch I can't scratch. Unlike yourself many that ascend to the level of moderator become like a manifestation of Barney Fife; a fool with a gun. They start thinking that because they can do something they therefore have to do something. It is a compulsion to be "The Man" that some cannot resist. Because I am a moderator how dare you criticize me and what I think? I've seen this one too, in fact I have seen this destroy a site or two. I have seen moderators take really bizarre positions just to keep an idiot friend from appearing to be an idiot.

I have also seen moderators get together and buy into some paranoid delusional conspiracy theories that some one or some group of people are trying to take over their bonsai site. If at some point you do need help please choose carefully. Remember sometimes good management is more an ability to know when to let things happen that an ability to stick one's nose in every single thing that comes down the hill. Remember not everything that rolls down hill requires the close and personal sniff test.
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Bought my first Mac, an LC II, around 1992 and joined a few BBs. Before the Web, certainly, but you guys make me feel like a youngster!

I agree with those who advocate keeping the Bar out of New Posts. It would solve a lot.
I was playing Oubliette and Moria on PLATO at the University of Illinois' CERL (Computer-based Educational Research Lab) with people all over the world back in 1981 :)

Greg, thats about the same time I was fiddling with my state of the art Kaypro PC.....dang that machine was Hotttt

you guys never let me win!!! :p ;)
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