Deep Sea Diver
Imperial Masterpiece
Hmm…. don’t often repost in regards styling suggestions. The reason is a person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still.
IMO this tree will never look good in a bonsai sense with a straight lower section, even slanted, with a reverse tapered sinuous section above it. No imagery will help fix this.
@brentwood suggestion to air layer the develop the top hamper is closest to making a decent two trees out of this tree. It seems an improvement on this thought would be to take it a step further. To make a cut on the top hamper, thereby giving a broom and an incredibly interesting start of another tree.
See below modification.

…and that’s all folks!!!
DSD sends
IMO this tree will never look good in a bonsai sense with a straight lower section, even slanted, with a reverse tapered sinuous section above it. No imagery will help fix this.
@brentwood suggestion to air layer the develop the top hamper is closest to making a decent two trees out of this tree. It seems an improvement on this thought would be to take it a step further. To make a cut on the top hamper, thereby giving a broom and an incredibly interesting start of another tree.
See below modification.

…and that’s all folks!!!
DSD sends