I am also bothered by some of the topics discussed (religion, abortion, partisanship, etc) and equally guilty in participating. These are topics that bring out the worst in people, and it is disturbing to see them on a bonsai forum. I seriously thought about avoiding this place for one single reason: during these heated discussions, when instults start flying back and forth, my dislike for someone who may have insulted me (with or without intent) can get to the point where I don't even care about his bonsai trees. It could be that next time when he posts a great tree, it will unfairly trigger a negative reaction from my part due to the fact that his personal views disturbed me in the past.
I realized that I am here for my love of bonsai, and, as long as you post something that I can learn from, I don't want to know your views on religion or politics. I will like you because your tree may have touched me, and I don't want this to be ruined by the fact that you are a muslim and sympathize with suicide bombers. If I don't know these things, I will keep liking you because you create beautiful trees. And may be next time when you are about to blow up something, you will change your mind because there may be somebody there who likes you because of your beautiful trees. That's how friendships develop and minds change, by focusing on the beautiful things in life.
(btw, I used to have friends from these forums for our love of bonsai, who are no longer friends exactly because of these other BS topics).
There are far too many things that divide us. Religion and politics are violent because they exclude those who have a different view. They exclude them by means of brute force.
On the other hand, there is only one thing that unites us: that is bonsai. So, if bonsai is just one of the many topics, chances are that we will be more divided, and bonsai will just be an afterthought.
But to me, the solution would be very simple: threads from the Karaoke bar should not show up when clicking on the "New Posts" tab. That's all. This will solve everything.
The reason is that most of us click on the New Posts tab as soon as we get here (I NEVER click on any other tab), and what we see on New Posts, that's what defines this forum.
If you exclude the Karaoke from showing up on New Posts, one has to make a conscious effort to CHOOSE the Karaoke bar. And that is entering at your own risk, you can't blame this Forum if you choose to do that. On the other hand, people who enjoy to argue and bicker about these off-topics, will have no problem looking up the Karaoke bar.
I think this simple solution would satisfy even Graydon, since he will definitely not look for Karaoke, unless someone sticks these threads right in his face. And it will definitely please me, since I will never waste my time in the Karaoke bar.