Gary McCarthy
We had someone give an interesting short talk at our last club meeting. He studied all of the available soil components and measured their water contents and porosity. Perhaps not surprisingly, he found that akadama sat right in the middle of the desired target zone (when new, not after it has broken down). All other components were further from that sweet spot. However, he found that you could combine various ingredients such that the resulting water content and porosity were very close to that of akadama. So I think people will survive if akadama becomes unavailable.
I agree Chris. This was a GREAT talk about bonsai soil. It was more about the water retention and oxygen retention properties of the different soil ingredients and how to combine them to get an ideal level to grow our trees in.
To get similar water and oxygen retention properties to akadama you can mix lava rock and pumice. Lava rock and pumice have similar water retention properties to akadama. Lava rock has a higher oxygen retention level and pumice has a lower oxygen retention level. Mixing equal parts lava rock and pumice should get you pretty close to the same levels as akadama.
If you want to save even more money you could substitute growstone for the lava rock.