Queen of the Nuts
Could you maybe? Enquiring minds want to know....but I have not opened it to check how much harder it is than the regular akadama.
Could you maybe? Enquiring minds want to know....but I have not opened it to check how much harder it is than the regular akadama.
Could you maybe? Enquiring minds want to know....
These are some pictures I just took in the dark of tridents, IN FULL SUN still pushing new red growth on Sept. 25 with a few months still to go till significant cooling.
Anyone that grows trident, and I mean lots of tridents understands that tridents push red growth in the spring turning to green and then later on in late spring and summer will produce new growth that is significantly green. It is not untill the fall spring here that the tridents begin to again push new red growth. It is a pleasing sight from the past hot summer.
Cheers all.
The last few months have been pretty crappy here. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer three weeks ago, and will undergo a single mastectomy next Tuesday. I was in the Emergency room last Sat. with 8 Kidney stones. The largest was equivilent to three grains of rice. THATS HUGE!! I suffer with the stones constantly and pass around 5 to 8 about every two years. I'll update on my wife next week.
I'm out in Ontario. Would it be possible for me to get some when you get some if it costs about the same as akadama? That's if it's not any trouble. I get my akadama at HOB. Its the only place around here I know has it.
The last few months have been pretty crappy here. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer three weeks ago, and will undergo a single mastectomy next Tuesday. I was in the Emergency room last Sat. with 8 Kidney stones. The largest was equivilent to three grains of rice. THATS HUGE!! I suffer with the stones constantly and pass around 5 to 8 about every two years. I'll update on my wife next week.
Get well Al, and your wife too. I wish there was something more comforting or profound to say at this point. Sometimes the road ahead becomes less smooth as I recently found out for myself.
Thanks all for the well wishes. My wife is in good spirits as one can be under the circumstances. She has made her decisions with help from the surgeon and that is OK by me. This has to be something she is comfortable with and not be distracted by even a husband. This is just a small hiccup in our vacation plans for this year but there is always next year, and if she heal quickly we might even make it this year since the Eagles come to Northern Califonia during winter to roost. My wife follows all the Eagle cams and loves the raptors. It was here dream to head to the Klamath Basin, on the California-Oregon border. Best time is DEC. to March, so maybe we can still make it.
Thanks, Profound, I think you have sold yourself short. When the time is right I will spring forth with the Official Vance Wood Quotes Page. I think it is up to about 4 pages now.