Maybe. But I am really far away from being any expert on the subject.
I have believed that in the early stage, like this tree, it's better to leave more foliage so the tree has that natural need to keep pushing strongly through those veins. Along the way, when pushing to the top, the detours to assist a graft work better because there is that strong sap movement and energy exchange within the tree. With the graft lower down the detours are very long as the graft connection is clean and tightly bound. I probably think more in terms of the tree growing in the wild. In the wild, if I cut off top foliage, I think the tree would struggle to regain the strength of growth and probably kill off the grafts because they are not needed for survival. The concentration would be on regrowing and strengthening the top to live.
I also understand the cut back idea. The tree has a desire to grow...a need to produce foliage to reach for light and survive. With that in mind, the cut back of foliage would force the tree to direct a good amount of energy and sap to the graft for growth and survival. The tree wants to live...the tree has a reason to naturally support a tight well-fitted graft.
There....clearly I am not an expert that knows what needs to be done. But have my thoughts shared. I'm interested in hearing from Markyscott and what he thinks and plans to do. He has much more knowledge than I do...and he has the tree to build growth where he wants. I like the idea of his drawings (when he gets to them)...the drawings give me a snapshot of what he's thinking so comments can make better sense based on his direction and plan of action.
I like reading lots of thoughts on subjects though, diverse as they may be, they are all shared contributions. I liked hearing your foliage cut back thought. I had not thought that way until you said something. Thanks.