I'm way late on this thread, but this year I started a
bunch of bald cypress,
jbp for the contest about 15 left out of a bunch of seeds. I ordered 25 but ended up with around 75.
I tried jrp but the birds an Squirrels ate all of them early.
I have about 6 huangshan pine.
A few pomegranate,.
One Fugi apple and 3 gala (I know they aren't true to seed but that's where they came from)
a pin oak, had around 10 but only one survived squirrels,
one Orange one lemon one grapefruit,
some Dawn redwood
Chinese red pine
i tried ezo spruce but they all died
and I collected some crabapple about a month ago, stratified for about 2 weeks and already got 5 sprouts. I'm of course bringing those in for the winter since I started them so late. And I'm already half prepped for next year's batches