Well this will be my third attempt at them, one year they were done in by the cold and another a windy patch where I guess they dried out but I do really want to get one into it's second year at least and hopefully beyond. I believe it is possible to grow these here but I am right on the brink so they need some extra care so I will keep on trying.
I'm in Spain though so not overly sure how easy it would be to ship to the US but I guess that can be thought of if I get any survivors.
Just if anybody is interested I know the Rainbow Eucs get a lot of attention because their colours are amazing but this is also a great quality of many Eucalyptus species, even though the colours may not be as vibrant they can certainly be spectacular in their own right and are probably a lot more hardy and easier to grow than the Rainbows.
Some examples below taken from google....
E. pauciflora or the Snow Gum is definitely a good example.
Eucalyptus Coccifera or Tasmanian Snow Gum
And there are many others that will exhibit similar colours too after a few years.
Plus you can get some amazing smooth barks like this....
Angophora costata
And I haven't even started with the Iron and Stringy barks yet either, lol.
Sorry to go off tangent a bit but Eucs are probably my favourite trees and it would be great to see them used more, and they are easily grown from seed, fast growers and definitely interesting.
I think that anyone interested by the Rainbows should check out other varieties too because the Rainbows are very tropical and I have found tricky to keep alive. Most other species are far more forgiving and some even cold hardy to a degree.