
  1. C

    Branch Growth

    Hi, Im sorry if i am posting this in the wrong part of the forum. I was new to Bonsai around June last year when i got my first one. I believe its a ficus but i am not 100% sure as it was a present. Over the winter (i live in England) it started to really struggle and part of it died, i have...
  2. J

    Just got a Parrots beak does everything look all right?

    I got this tree about two weeks ago from our local garden center I just wanted to make sure everything looked all right the tree almost looks dead but leafs are starting to show but no current budding currently watering every other day and keeping relative humidity around 50% at 65 to 68° just...
  3. sLeepLess

    Reaching Out for 2nd Opinions

    Hello Everyone, I am obviously new to Bonsai Nut. I most likely have used this site in the past when searching for information but i use any and all sources available to me so i never settled down. If i used your knowledge before, it was just one among many but; Thank you! I suppose i am...
  4. KoyoteGnomely

    HELP!!! Fukein Tea tree took a turn this week for the worse.

    So back in August I got my first bonsai, the Fukein tea tree (ehretia mircophylla).Anyhow after reading hours of content and watching 3 start up videos in a row, I was ready for the transplant. My pot has to weep holes in the bottom about the size of a nickel, so I covered them with plastic...
  5. G

    Japanese Black Pine Help—is it dying?

    Hi all, I'm admittedly a novice at bonsai rearing. My husband received a Japanese Black Pine as a gift, approximately five years old, from a friend. I've been pulling my hair out over trying to keep it alive and have unfortunately realized that I've made several mistakes in caring for it...
  6. R

    First bonsai, need help with discoloured leaf tips

    Hi, I received my first bonsai just under two months ago. I wasn't told the species but I think I got it down to a type of juniper. Primarily the only thing I've done is keeping it well watered and in sunlight, so any other tips are welcome.! Over the past couple weeks I noticed the tips of the...
  7. TurkishTree

    Procumbens nana juniper, need information.

    I bought a Procumbens Juniper yesterday, Firstly I need to know about watering. Second can it live in balcony? Third about the fertilization. Please help me to learn these
  8. Wilko

    Japanese Maple help for beginner

    Hello everyone I'm relatively new to bonsai and have a few Japanese maples I've been growing in pots a couple of years. Here is one of them I think its a 'Katsura' but could be wrong. So I'm after some suggestions on what to do. At the moment I'm planning on waiting till the buds start...
  9. Atom#28

    "Old Gold" - Help me please?

    I picked out this Old Gold Juniper at a box store after shamelessly feeling nebari through about 20 nursery pots. I love the trunk movement, and I feel like there are lots of options. I want to take this one really slow and methodical, so all I've done so far is some light cleaning. There is...
  10. Lottie

    Help!! What's wrong with Frank?

    Okay hey guys, basically need some advice, I've had my Chinese elm, year and a half, had ups and downs but I'm not sure what's wrong with it this time. Frank (my elm) lives outside in the garden, Norfolk, UK. Temperature has dropped here a little due to Autumn coming (he didn't go dormant last...
  11. rollwithak

    Humble Seedling Beginnings - Knowledge Requested

    Hello Nutties..... Check out these seedlings that I have acquired!!! I'm not sure on the rules about promoting sites so for now I'll leave it alone where I purchased from. I know that many advanced Bonsai students just go for the thick trunks, but as I've stated in other posts, my love for...
  12. Afasnacht83

    Changing pots? (Portulacaria afra)

    Hi! I’ve just gotten a new cutting from a few months ago and I’m looking to let it grow out for a while so i can maybe (hopefully) begin the process of turning it into a bonsai. This is my first plant ever so I’m very very new to the game. I have him in a bit of a small pot right now, but it’s...
  13. P

    Juniperus Procumbens Nana Help Identifying an issue

    Hello all, I am having a slight issue with my juniper that I was hoping you kind people could help me get to the bottom of. The tree overall looks pretty healthy, nice color, new shoots, all good there. My problem is with the tips of some shoots and even some old growth. I'm aware of the...
  14. B

    Dying Chinse Elm?

    My Shohin Chinese Elm was thriving this year and one day when it got really hot I wasnt home and wasnt able to water it. Afterwards the tree foliage started to wither followed by all the leaves dying and falling off a week later (progression from healthy to dead below). The tree is in full sun...
  15. F

    Chinese Sweet Plum (Yellow leaves)

    I have a Chinese Sweet Plum that appears to be getting yellow leaves I did have it in another room getting indirect light. see first picture So after some advice I've move it to the kitchen in a window (around 2 weeks ago) that if south facing so as much light as I can. Is this something...
  16. K

    Fukien Tea/Carmona Dropping green leaves

    Hi everyone, I am having trouble with my Carmona bonsai, starting 1 or 2 month ago it has been dropping leaves constantly, at start new leaves wore growing back as fast as they dropped, but now it started losing them faster and faster. I am always keeping the air humid and i'm always spraying...
  17. S

    Help this Bonsai amateur!!

    Hello everyone! I got a bonsai tree as a gift couple of months ago and since then I haven't done much besides watering it, and even that I'm not sure if I'm doing right, since the lady at the shop told my cousin that you should pour some water into the container in which the pot is placed and...
  18. Colton.Evans

    Mint Julep Juniper

    Does anyone have any knowledge of working with a Mint Julep Juniper? If so, some tips on what to do with this guy would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Colton
  19. Colton.Evans

    Western Larch

    I am fairly new to the art of bonsai and was seeking advice as to when to do everything with this Western Larch which was given to me. When should I prune it, should I transplant it into a bonsai pot right now or wait for spring, when should I wire it, what soil mix should I use for it, any...
  20. B

    Air Layering

    So I did air layering for the first time after watching many videos on it's so I knew how to do it properly. I did it on a lions head Japanese maple that I have; I air layered two branches on this tree and waited 8 weeks. I checked today if there were roots and this is what I saw (see pictures)...
  21. H

    My first Bonsai-Help Needed

    So I am new to this forum and new to the art of bonsai. Needless to say I instantly fell in love. I would love some feedback on my first bonsai. I have had it for about a month now, when i first got it i was all excited to wire, shape, etc but i think i went to far. Please don't hold back, I...
  22. C

    Neglected hokkaido elm

    I got a Hokkaido Elm out of the trash at work. Its in bad shape but has some green growth and it is budding! I need to know how to help it get healthy again. I think it was being overwatered. Should i prune the naked branches even if they have tiny green spots on them? Should i repot it and...
  23. C

    Neglected Mugo Pine

    I fished a mugo pine bonsai from the trash at the nursery i work at. Im wondering how to get it back to being healthy. Its a good size, almost all the needles are yellow and falling off. There is new green growth and there is sap in the buds(i plucked one off). I know its not dead but im...
  24. B


    Hello there fellow Bonsai enthusiasts! My name is Nathan and I'm new to the community. I've posted once already but figured I would give my background on bonsai and ask for some oponions/advice. I've been interested and studying Bonsai off and on now for about 15 years so I already understand...
  25. B

    Starting on my 3rd Bonsai HELP

    So I'm giving a go on my 3rd bonsai and I'm not really sure what to do with it. It's a Dwarf Alberta Spruce. I cut some branches away including dead branches and small branches. Not sure what to do with the top yet. Any ideas? Image examples help a lot! Thanks!
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