
  1. Stacey

    Normal tree trunk?

    I got my first bonsai tree about three weeks ago so I do not know too much about them. I've attached a picture of the trunk (the full picture of it is my profile picture) What I am concerned about is the very bottom of the trunk. Is this something I need to worry about or is this a normal...
  2. Elisa

    Starting from scratch

    Hi all, I've been wanting to start growing bonsai forever, and I think I'll finally be ready to do so this fall. I've done a fair bit of reading, and I'm receiving a lot of contrasting opinions - so thought I would try and collect some ideas. I'm based in the UK, so would preferably start on...
  3. Thornhill

    New and confused

    Hi all! New to the forum and also to the exciting and befuddling world of bonsai. I have had an interest in the hobby for many years and have killed my fair share of trees due to many rookie mistakes (poor soil quality, trying to keep junipers indoors etc.). I recently purchased a juniper that...
  4. K

    Snow Rose Beginner Help

    Hello everyone! In November I was given this Snow Rose. I live in Tampa, Florida so obviously it's incredibly hot all the time. It sits on a table inside a covered patio, no direct sunlight but the patio is south facing. It was doing really well up until about a month ago, it even grew very...
  5. BaronSamedi

    New guy needs help with Chinese Wisteria

    I am new to growing bonsai trees. I bought Chinese Wisteria seeds about 2 months ago and one of them is growing very quickly. Well, when I initially started growing them I was in West Virginia and the bonsai produced very dark green leaves. I have since moved to Florida and now the leaves that...
  6. Z

    Need advice on Chinese juniper

    Just bought this juniper and wired the trunk a bit. Should I prune it and if so, how? Techiniques? Should I let it grow for a while and not touch it? I am new to bonsai and am eager to learn. It's got a bunch of new growth but the branches are long on one side and short on the other...I just...
  7. jordystokes

    HELP!!!! Emergency

    So I have been gone from my apartment all day. I get back 10mins ago only to find that someone/something has knocked over my Japanese maple. I reported about 3-4 weeks ago. Half of the soil has been knocked out and the roots have shifted significantly. What do I do?!?!?!?
  8. Munir Atalla

    Gardenia rapidly dying please assist

    I received this plant a few weeks ago. I've been watering it every 2-3 days as recommended. It sits on my desk in a room with big windows-- but no direct sunlight. It's losing its leaves quickly--they're yellowing and growing spots. I have no idea why, but one theory is that even at night here...
  9. BonsaiButler

    What to do about thieves?

    Fertilizer thieves to be more specific. I have been using organic fertilizer for several years, I think it works great when it hasn't gone missing. What can i do to keep things off of my fertilizer? I really don't want to switch to inorganic for several reasons( don't want to debate that here)...
  10. R

    Help with identifying my tree

    I was given seeds approximately 2 years ago and these 6 trees/plants sprouted. The person that gave me the seeds believed they were giant sequoias. After a little research I'm not sure that this is the case. I'm new to bonsai and need help from some more experienced person.
  11. Angela

    Acacia Advice, Please?

    Hi there! So I'm not sure if there's a forum for this, so sorry if I'm messing this up ... This is my first ever bonsai. My parents got it for me. It's an Acacia, though I'm not sure what type -- it has thorns and the bark of the trunk has an almost feathery texture - it's soft and if you...
  12. OJavali

    Unknown Pine, need help

    Hello everyone, I have had a Chinese Elm since 2013 and it is now 9 years old. It's a low maintenance tree that keeps it's round shape throughout it's life (at least with the way it was pruned), so my experience is kind of lacking. Ever since I bought that first bonsai, I have wanted to make my...
  13. jordystokes

    Need some help with juniper

    Looking for some help with my juniper. Personal Info: I have been practicing bonsai for only a season, but I got bit by the bug pretty hard. I have several trees, some bonsai, but mostly pre-bonsai. I have masters degree in biomolecular science, so I understand the basic biological processes...
  14. M


    hello im new to this page i found it by looking up how to make muck. i tried on with terracotta clay sphagnum moss and peat and just as a test i put a small desert fig into a muck ball and left it out. even watering everyday the ball has gone rock hard and i dont see the plant living. do i have...
  15. Jonny Robertz

    Help! I'm new to bonsai and Worried!

    Hello everyone, I am really new to bonsai and I'm having some trouble with my medium sized Chinese Elm. My wife ordered it for me online from a reputable shop and the tree showed up in amazing condition. It was full, green and beautiful! I have had the tree for about 5 weeks now and within the...
  16. jcrossett

    New spot

    Okay so went to my new place last night and the back yard is over grown in the corners and back side. Wanted to see if any of you would try to save some of this. I'm still new so not sure what can and can't be used. And some of this looks way to mature and over grown. There are also 2 yews...
  17. E

    I'm getting overwhelmed about wintering my new trees-any advice it appreciated.

    I live in zone 7 specifically in the Piedmont region. I have the following trees that are going in an unheated storage shed once they drop their leaves: myrtle, nana dwarf pomegranate. I plan to water only once the roots get dry and maybe take them out for fresh air on warm days. Any problems...
  18. Bri

    Unsure of what kind of Bonsai I have

    I bought this bonsai tree about a year ago and I would like to know what kind of bonsai it is. The only thing I'm pretty sure about is that it is a pine/conifer. I tried looking at the online guides but none of the images seem to fit. Anyone have any ideas what it could be?
  19. JoeyBon

    Chinese Elm need help!

    This is my first post, first bonsai. I have a ~5 year old Chinese Elm from Eastern Leaf. When I bought it last Spring, I almost immediately repotted from nursery soil to a 100% inorganic akadama/lava mix. The tree did very well last summer and only lost about half of its foliage into the winter...
  20. M

    Brush Cherry shriveling

    I bought this tree from a local nursery about a month ago. It looked really healthy when I bought it, but now all the leaves are very dry and shriveling. I have been watering almost every day when i notice the soil getting dry(not completley dry). I repotted it about 3 days after I bought it...
  21. M

    Pruning advice...

    I went out yesterday and bought this juniper and did a little pruning on it but I didn't want to get too carried away without asking for some advice... After
  22. M

    English boxwood

    I purchased an english boxwood from homedepot today. I figured it would be a good chance to practice some pruning and wiring techniques and I won't be too upset if I end up killing it or it looks terrible, but you have to start somewhere. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Repot...
  23. M

    Pruning/wiring ideas?

    Went to home depot today and bought a alberta spruce. It cost about $9. I began to prune and thin it out a bit but not sure where to go from here. I figured it would be a good chance to practice some pruning and wiring techniques and I won't be too upset if I end up killing it or it looks...
  24. M

    Juniper advice

    Just bought a juniper from homedepot today. It cost about $9. Along with 2 other plants but I will post them elsewhere. I figured it would be a good chance to practice some pruning and wiring techniques and I won't be too upset if I end up killing it or it looks terrible, but you have to start...
  25. M

    Brush Cherry Advice

    I just bought this brush cherry from a local nursery. I repotted it 2 days ago with a basic bonsai soil and some basic bonsail fertilizer pellets since the soil it was in retained waaaay too much water and was definitely going to drown it. I like in nebraska and it gets hot and muggy so I leave...
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