
  1. M

    Brush Cherry Advice

    I just bought this brush cherry from a local nursery. I repotted it 2 days ago with a basic bonsai soil and some basic bonsail fertilizer pellets since the soil it was in retained waaaay too much water and was definitely going to drown it. I like in nebraska and it gets hot and muggy so I leave...
  2. heisenberg

    Your guidance please!

    Hi all, Another newbie to bonsai requesting your ideas on what to do with my tree. I was gifted this little tree by my friend who bought it on a whim at a local market but never got into bonsai. He thinks it is a conifer and is approximately 5 years old (from what he can recall). He has no...
  3. D


    Hey everyone, I am new to bonsais and I bought one about a month or so ago. It was doing great until I noticed little webs between the branches and browning of leaves , I am young so I don't have the opportunity to go out whenever I want so I asked to go buy pesticides, which I am today getting...
  4. Houseplantblog

    Spring bonsai problems...

    Hi all, For the first time in a few years I am having real problems bringing my bonsai out of hibernation. The trees have moved around a lot, unfortunately, and I am worried that their current home outside my window is not providing enough light. My trees are 2 Elms, and a Yew. They've been...
  5. O

    What's wrong with my Ficus leaves? Any help appreciated!!

    Hey all, I've had this little ficus for about 6-8 months now, and it surprisingly hasn't had too many problems. I noticed today however that a couple of the leaves were starting to look sick and I'm not sure what might be causing it. Does anyone have any ideas?? The only other bits of...
  6. O

    My Juniper Might be Dying on Me.. Help!

    I purchased a couple, really good looking Juniper bonsais back in December, and they were healthy as can be.. My original post: However, as the weather has turned warmer, I've noticed that my Juniper has turned...
  7. J

    Hello, I need help.

    Hi, I'm new to this website and I'd really like some help with the tree that I just received yesterday. Somebody gave it to me, and they got it from a mall, so I don't think I can really do much but keep it healthy. However, if possible, I would like to make it more aesthetically pleasing, clean...
  8. E

    Help!! My Chinese Elm!!!

    Hello all! First, I just want to say thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to help me here. I am extremely new to Bonsai trees. I was very interested in caring for one, so for Christmas, I received a Chinese Elm from my girlfriend. However...we are a bit concerned... So, I received a...
  9. Celeste

    Failing Ficus

    I started my thread in the chinese elms...but my tree was quickly identified as a ficus (and then of course I remembered that was indeed the correct name). I'm about as beginner as it gets...can you tell? The Elm peoples have been incredibly helpful (see original thread...
  10. A

    Chinese Elm hasnt sprouted new leaves in over 2 months

    Hello Everyone, I wanted to see if there was anything I can do to save my first bonsai tree. Little history: When I got the tree back in Nov the leaves quickly fell off because of root rot which i did away with and re-plotted the bonsai in a new ~70% non-organic ~30% organic mixture soil with a...
  11. J

    Help! What does this yellowing mean?

    i just noticed this today. I'm not sure if this is normal? Is it fungus? The needle tips are yellowing over most of the cork bark JBP.
  12. Celeste

    HELP! tree dying VERY quickly!

    I've got a Ficus. I've had it for about 6 months...soaking it every 3 days for 5 -10min. I live in Utah so it's VERY dry here. Anyways 2 days ago I watered as usual...then just added new soil to the TOP of it. And that's all I've done....and all the leaves are dropping, the new growth has...
  13. E

    my poor bonsai

    Attatched is my tree about a year ago when I bought it. Its been very healthy up until this weather change. I don't keep it outside because of how chilly it is, but it stays in the window and is watered when the soil feels dry. Within the past month since it's gotten colder my poor little...
  14. T

    Japanese Wisteria Bonsai and Winter Dormancy Questions

    Hello Friends, Long Island, New York USDA 7a I was gifted a Japanese Wisteria by my significant other to celebrate an anniversary. I'm very familiar with plants in general but Bonsai is elusive to me. Suddenly this tree holds a tremendous amount of sentimental value to me, and I feel...
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