
  1. P

    Not sure what to do for my maple

    Hi everyone! I’m new to bonsai (honestly new to long term plant care in general) and I’m not sure what to do for my maple sapling. My boyfriend gave this one to me at the beginning of August and we potted it in this pot at that time. I’m worried about drainage as I live in the PNW in a North...
  2. B

    Need help asap please

    I recently purchased a trident maple on the 9th of September, and something is wrong with several of the leaves and I need help figuring out what's wrong so I can fix it asap please. When my bonsai arrived, several of the leaves had portions of black/grey areas that I assume are dead/dying, I'm...
  3. B

    Collecting Acer Rubrum

    Hi everyone, I’m located in New England, USA and know just enough of bonsai yo be dangerous haha . I was hoping to get some guidance and advice for collecting one or two Red Maples I have come across ranging between 3-5 inches at the base and show potential as bonsai. Attached are pics of the 4...
  4. S

    What bonsai soil mix to use and of what grain size?

    I’m new to bonsai and have heard that having a good granular water retaining draining soil for bonsai is almost essential. I currently have an orange jessamine and a Chinese juniper and am planing to grow more plants of the latter and also a few ficuses. The only available soils/mediums...
  5. O

    Dying Seedlings - Please Help

    Hi. This (pine?) seedling has been growing since late April but recently the tips have started to turn brown. This is also the case with the smaller (birch?) seedling whose leaves are also turning brown after sprouting a few weeks ago. Please can someone identify the seedlings and let me know...
  6. Soulsyphon

    Dwarf Sandcherry Help

    I'm newer to bonsai, got started last winter. I recently purchased a dwarf sandcherry that I'm working on. I trimmed and re-potted it in the organic bonsai mix from Bonsai Jack. I water it in the morning and in the evening and it's still drying out and getting droopy. Are there any suggestions...
  7. Clorgan

    Juniper pfitzeriana progression/ideas

    Already posted this project in a newby thread, but I think this is my first material that actually has alright bonsai potential! So I think it deserves its own thread (the other threads may be added to the burn pile 😂 ) Added photos of work so far - pruning (tried not to do too much)...
  8. L

    Azalea dying??? Winter Australia

    Hi everyone, I am new to bonsais and was gifted a Satsuki Azalea bonsai on Valentines Day. The tree is a cutting and I have had it for about 4 months. It is currently winter in Australia and I am not sure if my tree is dead or not. The leaves have started to go brown and the stems are dry and...
  9. justindaniels

    Need help identifying

    Just picked this little up at Walmart this morning. It didn’t have a name tag on it but for the price I could t pass it up. If anyone could help me identify it so I can tack care of the way it needs would be very helpful
  10. C

    Help Identifying

    Hey everyone - please could you help me identify the species of my Bonsai Tree. thank you in advance. Also any care and maintanance tips and what fertiliser to use? thank you.
  11. Wetmasausage

    Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)

    Hi all, I'm brand new to bonsai and after finding two growing in my garden, I've decided to give it a go. Please note that I'm not strictly following the rules of composition but more just making something I think is nice on the eyes. There is very little info out there about this tree and I...
  12. M

    Tips for winter growth?

    Hi everyone! Writing from England, I’m starting my first seed growth this week, giving them a fake winter for two months and hopefully have some shoots in July. I am just looking for some tips and support for helping young seedlings through the coming winter, how to best care for them and grow...
  13. vonklutch

    My poor trees.

    Hi everyone, new here, new in general I like what you've done with the place. I am the owner of two very sad little trees who have suffered a mix of abuse, and I'm trying to help them pull through. Long story short, my wife and I recently purchased a house in the country and in our first year...
  14. B

    Help! My bonsai is dying- I think it has a fungal infection??

    I recently got a bonsai tree for christmas- I have no idea about the nursery conditions etc because it was a gift. I belive the tree is a chinese privet- it is my first ever tree Arount the start of the tree trunk it looks as if it's decaying and it has white marks around it with orangeish...
  15. S

    Is my juniper okay?

    I have had this bonsai for a few weeks now and have noticed some yellow/white discolouration on some of the needles. I have been leaving it outside where it gets sun for half the day (brought it inside to inspect the tree hence the photo's being indoors) however, this has been on the floor and...
  16. J

    Is My Juniper Bonsai Ok?

    Hi all, I received my bonsai around Christmas time. I have been trying to water it just enough so that it doesn’t get too wet (usually about once a week or so.) The tree seems to be doing alright as there is new growth on the side facing the window. However, the side not facing the sun is...
  17. O

    Help! Bonsai is dieing :(

    I bought a bonsai for my mom. Lately she has moved its location around I think she may have over watered it once. It is wilting a lot and the leaves are losing their deeper green colouration. Its been with her for about 4 months, but only in the last couple of weeks, has it deteriorated. She...
  18. Yugen

    Which side do you think should be the front??

    I'm really torn between the two. Of course there's innumerable factors that don't translate from a 2D image. If you could also tell me why you like a particular angle, I'd really appreciate it! This is my first poll so I hope I set it up right 🤞
  19. prawn

    Please help with my new thriving maple! (I am a total noob)

    Hello everyone! I am a complete bonsai beginner that started during quarantine. I purchased a small Japanese maple tree starter about a month ago and since then it has really grown! I was so surprised and happy. If you can please offer me any advice if I should be doing something at these early...
  20. K

    HELP! ID my Bonsai please!

    hello, i just pick this guy up from Home Depot and would like to research care instructions. However the tag doesn’t give a specific name. It seems like it would be an outdoor juniper but the tag says houseplant which make me unsure. May you please help me identify it please so i can properly...
  21. O

    Dwarf Hinoki Cypress turning brown!! HELP!!!

    I received this bonsai as a gift a year ago now and things were going really well. Coming up to winter in Australia and I’ve only just realised (I should’ve noticed earlier I know) that one side is turning completely brown and dry! Is there anyway to save the plant? I love it a lot and feel...
  22. L

    Juniper dying! Help

    So I bought this juniper about a month ago and I attempted my first wiring on a bonsai. I accidentally completely cracked the trunk and it split off. I did a completely horrible job, and other parts of the tree have turned purple, and now crispy and brown. I sealed the breaks with wood glue, as...
  23. L


    Yesterday I was told that a tree must grow a good deal before you can work on it. But I'm left with the question: At what height/trunk are trees suited for collection?
  24. L


    I'm kind of new to bonsai and I'm looking for advice for what I should do with this blue star juniper...
  25. L

    Cracked Trunk while Wiring

    Hey I’m brand new to bonsai and I tried to wire the main trunk and it ended up cracking. Do you think this will heal? Also what type of bonsai is it?
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