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  1. crust

    The best advice from bonsai masters youve gotten

    Lenz: "Quit feeling up all the trees and just look around"
  2. crust

    The best advice from bonsai masters youve gotten

    Boy does that ever sound Boonish!
  3. crust

    To Grouper52

    Life can gather up and be a machine-gun series of heart masticating explosions for sure--I can't advise on perfect reasons to keep riding other than, completely selfishly, for us to meet someday. May this moment be a refuge of gentleness. A spiritual fan and fellow bonzo geek, Crust
  4. crust

    Should it be called "bonsai"? Article in the ABS journal

    True, True! Nothing stylistically is really that new and I surely acknowledge within the great numbers of Japanese trees designed over the years nearly everything is represented, but not so in America--we probably are talking in terms of Just change in fashion or interpretation however I have...
  5. crust

    Should it be called "bonsai"? Article in the ABS journal

    This is pedestrian knowledge--look at and compare in the past at what is at shows; talk to avid collectors and sellers, they say this is happening too--more and more trees with unique focal points or amazing line or intense detail but have, earlier, what was considered unusable because of...
  6. crust

    Should it be called "bonsai"? Article in the ABS journal

    Ahhh, Sorry, I did not realize this Walter--I was just going off the article in which your response, as always, was perceptive and cuts through the usual bull. Well, in a somewhat playful spirit, I move to abandon the word bonsai, which is pretty easy for me because I rarely speak it anyway. I...
  7. crust

    Should it be called "bonsai"? Article in the ABS journal

    I don't agree. Perhaps the word radical is the thing though. I do believe that what styles are trending and evolving in bonsai would, not many years ago, be rejected as credible. Interestingly what and how is being cultivated or collected is significantly being influence by these changes--what...
  8. crust

    Should it be called "bonsai"? Article in the ABS journal

    I agree that semantics are nothing but linguistic trivia. Arguing about words is infantile mostly, none of it matters, yet it does, in visceral dissection, sometimes amazing parallels and ironies are revealed. The unattached vegetable soup that floats from our causally educated mouths matters...
  9. crust

    rough stock options-wadya think

    Yes, in ground. I did dig it up and root pruned. I should get it in a nursery pot this spring if I have time.
  10. crust

    Maintaining Large Collection / Refined Collection When Traveling

    This system sounds pretty sophisticated. what controller do you use and what kind of heads?
  11. crust

    Should it be called "bonsai"? Article in the ABS journal

    yes, I definitely think so.
  12. crust

    Concrete Rock Pot/Slab?

    I thought Eric K used a modified thinset product such as you would use to lay tile.
  13. crust

    Concrete Rock Pot/Slab?

    I have had good success making custom ultra strong concrete mixes utilizing a superplasticizer (small amounts on ebay) to keep the water amounts down yes be very workable. touchy stuff but it works amazingly.
  14. crust

    Favorite American potter?

    Rayner pots are amazingly durable-- she puts out a lot of work with some very fine larger ovals. Lenz pots are great proportionally but alas he is done and they are getting less available. Lang pots are always strong with perfect shapes. Local potters can be commisioned but be emphatic on shape...
  15. crust

    Long Lanky Larch Needles

    My opinion: Jap larch has longer needles than American larch; anything that induces fast root growth(especially non-fine root growth) i.e. root disturbance, repotting; fertilizer makes for longer needles, endless rain can make for floppy needles; fine, divided, slow-growing roots make fine...
  16. crust

    Winter's still here and won't leave

    It was 1 degree F here this morning. Snow banks prevail.
  17. crust

    Photography question

    do you use the fitted sheets and stretch them on a frame?
  18. crust

    Bjorn at MACH5's (Subalpine Fir)

    What kind of exposure do you give this tree? I had my one and only die on me and suspected it succumbed to a series of setbacks followed by heat. The heat seemed to have done it in--I think. They sure are rubbery things but very cool.
  19. crust


    Ironically heavy wet snow left on WC bonzo really can affect branch fronds, orienting them flatter or more down. It always startles me how well this works. I know of one WC geek who uses wet rags to achieve the same effect. I have done it too but don't have the discipline to do a consistent...
  20. crust

    Can one repot and trim without taking trees out of rock planting or pot

    I would not hesitate to wire prune and do light rootwork
  21. crust

    Can one repot and trim without taking trees out of rock planting or pot

    If you want to keep your Thuya small--prune and wire a lot more.
  22. crust

    Can one repot and trim without taking trees out of rock planting or pot

    I mean you can remove up to a third of the roots of any thuya which is pretty aggressive and probably not necessary. on a gently growing planting you don't want to over stimulate but then you want to leave it alone too so it gets dwarf and refined--so it's a balance decision.
  23. crust

    Can one repot and trim without taking trees out of rock planting or pot

    Of course, planting can be root pruned without removal. Pros do it all the time. Thuyas a very resilient and not sensitive. get in there and probe around. find out how tight the roots are. How the roots lie. Get in there with a scissor and cut out sections of sections. Selectively remove up to...
  24. crust

    for all of us DE fans......

    What kind/brand of DE is this--
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